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    What is the life after Liver Transplant? I am going to have transplant next month and am very scared.

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    Member since 11 December 201715 December 2017 at 09:42

    This will rely on various things, such as:

    • How old you were when you taking the transplant
    • Why you required the procedure of liver transplant
    • Are you having any effects on your medication or not
    • Your general attitude on life
    • What you felt prior to your transplant
    • Probable complications that could take place after the transplant
    • The support you are getting from your family and loved ones

    Quality of life after the transplant generally depends on the reason for which you are having the transplant. People who receive a transplant because of chronic liver disease normally see that their quality of life gets better after their operation.

    life after liver transplant

    You might get it helpful to chatter with a support group to assist you to cope with life following your transplant.

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    Dt. Neha Suryawanshi

    credihealthVerified Dietician
    Member since 07 February 201809 February 2018 at 14:34

    Ask me directly for customized diet plan for  post liver transplant diet and lifestyle Tips for you .you can consult with on my what's up no. 9757149915

    • 2
    Member since 27 June 201726 December 2017 at 09:25

    After a liver transplant, the doctor will carry on liver function tests and check for complications.

    After your liver transplant:

    • Possibly stay in the intensive care unit for a few days. Doctors and nurses will check for complications. They'll carry on liver function tests to check if the new liver is working for you.
    • 5 to 10 days in the hospital. Once you are stable, you'll be admitted to transplant recovery area for recuperation.
    • Frequent checkups while recovery at home. You may have to take blood tests each week initially which reduce over time.
    • Medications for the rest of your life.

    You will be given medications after your transplant for the rest of your life. Expect six months or more for a full recovery. About 70 percent of people who undergo liver transplant live While 30 will die within five years.

    • 2
    Digital Doctor by Birth15 December 2017 at 15:42

    Don't be scared. A liver transplant can have amazing outcomes. Recipients have been known to live a normal life over 30 years after the surgery. After the transplantation, the patient is initially shifted to the intensive care unit to recover as it’s a major operation. But patients may leave the ICU within a few days and remain in the hospital ward for another two to three weeks before being discharged. Recovery at home usually takes time as it’s a much slower process. It may take three to six months before the person returns to normal work and activities. However, after the transplantation, regular blood tests have to be done to see if the new liver is functioning properly. Patients are also advised to eat a healthy diet, avoid alcohol and smoking after the operation. Regular exercise always helps return to normal activities sooner after going back home. It is highly recommended that women avoid pregnancy the first year after a transplant.