Member since 16 October 201719 January 2018 at 12:06
Testicular cancer may be painful or not, may cause swelling most of the times, If found early, a testicular tumor may be about the size of a pea or a marble, but it can grow much larger. Testicular cancer mostly affects one testicle at a time. So in almost all cases, the other testicle would be healthy. There is always a chance that the other testicle also gets affected but as the time passes the risk of second Testicles being involved gets lesser. Always get a regular examination done for the whole body once you have contracted cancer especially the second Testicles in your case.
Celibacy has effects on your body & mind but they're hardly life-threatening, and they do not affect your next sexual encounter. Tightness in your vagina is not influenced by your number of sexual partners. Hymen will never grow back. Avoiding sex for long could lead to less lubrication in....
Kanishka Pandey
Testicular cancer may be painful or not, may cause swelling most of the times, If found early, a testicular tumor may be about the size of a pea or a marble, but it can grow much larger. Testicular cancer mostly affects one testicle at a time. So in almost all cases, the other testicle would be healthy. There is always a chance that the other testicle also gets affected but as the time passes the risk of second Testicles being involved gets lesser. Always get a regular examination done for the whole body once you have contracted cancer especially the second Testicles in your case.