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CARE Hospital Outpatient Centre, Hyderabad

CARE Hospital Outpatient Centre, Hyderabad

Hi-tech City, Old Mumbai Hwy, near Cyberabad Police Commissionerate, Jayabheri Pine Valley, Gachibowli, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh, 500032, India

عرض الاتجاه

توقيتات OPD:

Mon - Sat09:00 AM - 08:00 PM

CARE Hospitals Outpatient Centre, HITEC City, Hyderabad

MBBS, एमएस (ईएनटी), जल

رئيس القسم والمستشار الرئيسي - جراحة الأنف والأذن والحنجرة وجراحة تجميل الوجه

31 سنوات من الخبرة,



مستشار - الأنف والأذن والحنجرة

14 سنوات من الخبرة,


أسئلة متكررة

Q: How many doctors practice at Care Hospital Outpatient Hitec City? up arrow

A: Nineteen doctors practice at Care Hospital Outpatient Hitec City.

Q: What are the consultation hours? up arrow

A: The consultation hours are Monday to Saturday, 9 am to 8 pm.

Q: What is the range of consultation fees? up arrow

A: The consultation fees range between ₹500 and ₹2000.

Q: What qualifications do the doctors have? up arrow

A: The doctors have qualifications like MBBS, MD, MS, DM, MCh, DNB, FRCS, MRCP, and FACP.

Q: What are some common conditions treated by doctors? up arrow

A: Common conditions treated include hypertension, diabetes, asthma, heart disease, and arthritis.

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