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Krishna Shalby Hospital, Ahmedabad

Krishna Shalby Hospital, Ahmedabad

319-Green City, Ghuma, Via Bopal, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, 380058

عرض الاتجاه
4.9 (81 Reviews)
استنادًا إلى التعليقات الواردة من الأفراد الذين حجزوا المواعيد من خلال Credihealth

توقيتات OPD:

Mon - Sat09:00 AM - 07:00 PM

استشاري - العناية المركزة والحرجة وأمراض الرئة والصدر

9 سنوات من الخبرة,

أمراض الرئة

استشاري - أمراض الرئة والصدر

9 سنوات من الخبرة,

أمراض الرئة

أسئلة متكررة

Q: How can I find the list of Krishna Shalby Hospital doctors list? up arrow

A: You can find the list of Krishna Shalby hospital doctors listed at Credihealth.

Q: How can I book my appointment through Krishna Shalby? up arrow

A: You can book your appointment through Krishna Shalby Hospital Ahmedabad through Credihealth.

Q: How many beds are there in Krishna Shalby Multi Specialty Hospital? up arrow

A: There are 210 beds available in Krishna Shalby Hospital

Q: What are the modes of payments accepted by the Krishna Shalby Hospital Ahmedabad? up arrow

A: You can make your payment via cash, cards, insurance etc.

Q: Can Patients Know the Estimated Costs Of Surgery Before Their Visit To Shalby Hospital? up arrow

A: The doctors or hospital staff will give you an estimate of your treatment based on your condition and the treatment required.

Waiting LoungeWaiting Lounge
CT ScanCT Scan
Capacity: 220 BedsCapacity: 220 Beds
Account SectionAccount Section
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