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MIOT International Hospital, Chennai

MIOT International Hospital, Chennai

4/112, Mount Poonamalle Road, Sathya Nagar, Manapakkam, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, 600089, India

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4.8 (738 Reviews)
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توقيتات OPD:

Mon - Sat08:00 AM - 08:00 PM

Established in 1999, MIOT International Hospital located in Chennai is a 1000-bed multi-specialty hospital offering a wide spectrum of advanced medical treatments to its patients. MIOT Hospital Chennai offers state-of-the-art infrastructure and is technologically up-to-date. It has a great team of qualified doctors available around the clock and emergency serv...
اقرأ المزيد

MBBS, एमएस - सर्जरी, मच - सर्जिकल गैस्ट्रोएंटरोलॉजी

مدير - جراحة الكبد والبنكرياس وزرع الأعضاء الصلبة

28 سنوات من الخبرة,

علم الجهاز الهضمي الجراحي

أسئلة متكررة

Q: ما هي مواعيد مستشفى MIOT تشيناي؟ up arrow

A: تتوفر خدمات مستشفى MIOT تشيناي على مدار الساعة (24*7).

Q: هل يمكن لأطباء مستشفى MIOT تقديم استشارة عبر الفيديو؟ up arrow

A: نعم. يمكنك جدولة استشارة الفيديو مع أطباء مستشفى MIOT من خلال كريدي هيلث. 

Q: Are dietary services available for patients at MIOT Hospital? up arrow

A: Yes, MIOT International provides customized dietary services catered to individual patient needs.

Q: Does MIOT International Hospital offer health packages for regular check-ups? up arrow

A: Yes, comprehensive health packages are available for routine check-ups and preventative care.

Q: Does MIOT Hospitals Chennai provide parking facilities for visitors? up arrow

A: Yes, MIOT Hospital Chennai offers ample parking space for patients and visitors.

Online AppointmentsOnline Appointments
Waiting LoungeWaiting Lounge
Blood BankBlood Bank
Capacity: 1000 BedsCapacity: 1000 Beds
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