How to check if you are healthy or not?
- people answered
Done with the body composition analysis test and nutrition assessment.
Do the body composition analysis test done.
Done with the body composition analysis test and nutrition assessment.
Do the body composition analysis test done.
Suraj Kumar
According to Jason Shon Bennett to get an estimate of your health or doing a basic health check, answer the following 35 questions completely honestly. If none of the answers exactly applies to you, just choose the one closest to your situation.
This questionnaire is loosely designed to give you a reality check on your diet and lifestyle habits. It does not include a full physical or a thorough blood test (both of which is recommended). It does not take into account your family history, genetics and the diet and lifestyle you have followed for the last 20 years – all of which are important. Please see this as a simple way to look at your health status based on the habits you have today creating the illnesses of tomorrow. As 90%+ of us in modern societies die of preventable illness, then most of us are already pre-ill. To avoid the modern diseases, changes must be made to your habits today. What are the habits you have today that are creating your future disease rates? Drinking too much? Smoking? Eating a constipating diet? Avoiding rest and sleep? Living a high-stress sedentary lifestyle? Not eating 10 servings of fresh fruit and vegetables daily? Too much gluten, sugar, fat and salty processed foods? These are the things that are killing most of us. So when you do this questionnaire, look for “What am I currently doing” and “What can I do better?” There are always things we can improve on and learn. If you end up with a score of 20 yet you feel fine and want to keep doing what you are currently doing, then disregard this information and carry on! There is no golden diet for everyone. This is not designed to stress you out, merely to have you consider what parts of your daily routines and habits can be improved. Take from this what is helpful and throw away the rest, OK?
Health Questionnaire
Question 1: Do you smoke?
Question 2: Do you drink alcohol?
Question 3: Do you eat sugar?
Question 4: Do you eat processed meat, red meat or chicken daily?
Question 5: How many servings of raw or lightly cooked leafy green vegetables do you eat every day?
Question 6: How many servings of other vegetables do you eat per day?
Question 7: Do you drink cola/soft/energy/fizzy/soda drinks?
Question 8: Are you within a few pounds or kilos of your ideal weight?
Question 9: Do you take daily prescription medications?
Question 10: Do you have three solid easy bowel motions daily?
Question 11: How are your energy levels?
Question 12: Do you get 8 hours' sleep each night?
Question 13: How does your skin look?
(Ask someone who is willing to tell you the truth)
Question 14: Do you fast regularly?
(By ‘fasting’ I mean just freshly made green vegetable juices and water only for a period)
Question 15: Do you regularly eat too much?
Question 16: How many pieces of fresh, raw fruit do you consume in a day?
Question 17: Do you eat packaged, extruded breakfast cereals (puffs, pops, bix, flakes etc)?
Question 18: Do you regularly and easily walk for 30 minutes at a good pace outside in nature?
Question 19: Do you exercise daily?
Question 20: Do you mostly make your own meals?
Question 21: How much direct sunlight on your skin are you exposed to in an average week?
Question 22: Do you eat a huge salad most days?
Question 23: Do you eat white bread/pastries/cakes/biscuits/lollies?
Question 24: Do you eat takeaways each week such as hamburgers or pizza?
Question 25: During winter is it common for you to get sick?
Question 26: Do you have a regular wake-time, exercise-time, meal-time and sleep-time?
Question 27: Are you carrying abdominal fat around your waist?
Question 28: Do you find time to regularly sit quietly and relax, meditate or snooze?
Question 29: Do you feel pain, stiffness or inflammation most days?
Question 30: Do you rely on man-made vitamin pills for your “extra nutrition”?
Question 31: How flexible are you?
Question 32: Are you stressed, nervous or uptight much of the time?
Question 33: Do you eat a raw (uncooked) meal every day?
Question 34: Are you strong? Can you lift and hold your own bodyweight?
Question 35: Do you eat fermented or homemade sprouted foods daily?
Now, total your scores.
How did you do to find out if you are healthy or not?
Add up your score and you will have a number between 0 and 100. Zero being nearly dead and 100 being Superman.
Rating 0 to 25 is SICK AND UNWELL. You are sick, you have dis-ease of some sort that is already diagnosed (obesity, pain, inflammation, heart disease, diabetes, bowel or digestive problems, arthritis, cancer…), you take daily medication, you are exhausted all the time, you are coughing and ‘ahem’ing all day long, you look much older than your actual age, your skin is lifeless, you are constipated (going every second day), you feel pain most of the time, you are overweight or obese, you do not exercise, you are unfit and your immune system is wiped out (you catch every bug that is going around).
Rating 26 to 50 is PRE-ILL. You are feeling tired most of the time, you look older than your actual age, your skin is dull, you are constipated (going maybe once a day), you feel pain and stiffness regularly, you have a layer of fat around your abdominal area, you are overweight, you do not exercise much at all, you are unfit and your immune system is run down (you catch colds).
Rating 51 to 75 is HEALTHY. You feel ok most of the time, you are able to work but get tired regularly, you go once or twice daily most days, you look younger than you are on a good day, you are carrying a little extra weight but not too much, you exercise a few times per week but often get injured, you are without illness symptoms but you are occasionally sick. You look in the mirror and are mostly ok with what you see.
Rating 76 to 100 gives you EXCEPTIONAL HEALTH. You feel great almost all of the time, full of energy and vitality, your skin is glowing, you look 10 to 15 years younger than you are, you are very rarely sick, you go three times every day, you are able to work all day then make love all night (but you get plenty of rest), you can be around sick people and not catch the bugs, you have a cheerful attitude and nothing seems to weigh you down, you exercise most days, you can walk for hours, you have a strong supportive network of friends and family, and you are very fit, strong and flexible.
If you scored anywhere below 70 then I would recommend you to visit some good Doctor. Have a nice day.