My father is 65 year old he is suffering in liver tumor which is best treatment for this diases plz reply me he is also surgery in aderneral glade tumor in past 2016 now again he is other tumor in liver
Yes, but indirectly. Free radicals can damage DNA but the cells have their own reparative mechanisms. For free radicals to cause cancer, the following events need to happen:- 1. Damage in individual cells significant enough to overwhelm its reparative mechanisms. 2. Damage in such a way that even ....
Study findings on a potential link between breast size and breast cancer have been mixed. Some studies have found having a larger breast size increases risk, while others have found no link between breast size and risk but few studies have suggested that breast size increases risk among thin women,....
Yes, radiotherapy or radiation treatment can cause side effects. The effects may appear after a couple of weeks of treatment. They continue to get even worse during the treatment and after the treatment has finished. However, A few weeks after treatment things start to get better. Everyone is diffe....
Dr. Nimrat Kaur
Verified Doctortreatment for tumor in the liver depends on the kind of tumor and its extent. please share your reports for a better advice.