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    What is the life after Kidney Transplant?

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    Vaibhav Kumar

    communityCredihealth Admin
    Administration @ Credicommunity03 July 2018 at 08:59

    Kidneys are one of the most vital organs of the body. They help release toxic waste matter from the body's system by acting as a filter. This filtration process helps the body to be clean and toxic free and function well. Kidneys are two bean-shaped organs situated on the two sides of the spinal cord below the Ribs.

    Functioning ability of the Kidneys

    Till the kidneys are functioning well the body's mechanism is in order. But the moment there is any defect in the ability to function well the effects start showing by the way of the rise in blood pressure, accumulation of toxic waste in the body and so on. Some of the common harmful effects of improper functioning of the kidney are diabetes, the rise in blood pressure, cysts in kidneys etc.

    A kidney transplant is often the way out in case of chronic kidney diseases where a person cannot stay alive without dialysis procedure. It helps in the functioning of the body to an extent as measured in medical terms and therefore helps the individual live longer. Life after kidney transplant is larger than the life expectancy in dialysis.

    What is Life after Kidney Transplant?

    The kidney transplant life expectancy rate depends on the surgery and the ability of the body to accept the foreign kidney. The side effects of the transplant vary from blood clots to bleeding, infection, failure of the kidney, blockage in the urinary tract bladder, stones etc.

    Effects of Kidney Transplant

    Once the surgery is performed and the transplant is done one has to take anti-rejection pills so that the body starts to accept the foreign kidney. Life after kidney transplant is often expected to be a little bumpy as the procedure may cause side effects some of which can be controlled but some can’t be controlled.

    A few examples being of side effects of Kidney Transplant

    • Acne
    • Bone Degradation
    • Hair Growth or Hair Loss
    • A Rise in Blood Pressure
    • A Rise in Cholesterol Levels
    • Infection
    • Weight Gain etc.

    After the Transplant

    The individual has to spend a number of days in the Hospital after the transplant takes place. The individual is monitored on a regular basis concerning the functioning of the kidneys to check whether there are any complications. Most individuals take around three to eight weeks to recover completely and get back to work. However, one has to take care of one's health after the kidney transplant by taking the necessary medication needed to accept the foreign kidney and avoid any rejection by the body. The individuals aren't allowed to lift any weights or any heavy item as it would act detrimental to the health.

    Diet and Nutrition after Kidney Transplant

    Regular checkups with the transplant team are a must. Following proper diet norms and keeping fit and active will help the individual lead a healthy and long life.  Life after kidney transplant calls for diet and lifestyle changes. These would include seeing a dietitian for the best guidance. Sometimes due to the kidney transplant, one could put on weight. Hence it is important to have full control of one's diet and avoid junk and fried food. Regular exercises would also be beneficial as this would prevent the individual from contracting diabetes and high blood pressure and other dreadful diseases. Staying physically active and incorporating healthy habits helps to maintain the body.

    It is of utmost importance to take good care of oneself post the kidney transplant as the kidney transplant life expectancy rates are measured on post care and medication parameters.


    It has been observed that the success rate of a kidney transplant has been gradually increasing leaving very little room for any discrepancies in the procedure performed and hence kidney transplant today has become one of the most opted treatments worldwide.