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    What rinifol tablet uses?

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    Dr. Akanksha Pathania

    credihealthVerified DoctorMedical ExpertMedical Expert
    Member since 05 February 201924 May 2023 at 16:29

    Rinifol capsule is to treat antibiotic-associated diarrhea. That means if a person is on antibiotics, and shows the symptoms of diarrhea. Therefore, it is best to use a manifold to restore the good bacteria in the gut. Let's explore what are other manifold uses that are mentioned down below. 1. This contains lactic acid bacillus which is a probiotic that supports the growth of bacteria and maintains flora and fauna. 2. Folic acid helps to form red blood cells and treat the deficiency of anemia and prevent cancer. 3. Nicotinamide is another form of Vitamin B3. This provides the essential vitamins to the a. 4. Another vitamin B12 helps to improve the proper functioning of the brain. 5. Biotin helps to convert food into energy. This carries nutrients throughout the body and improves glucose.