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ফোর্টিস ফ্ল্যাট লেঃ রাজন ধল হাসপাতাল, ভাসান্ত কুঞ্জ

ফোর্টিস ফ্ল্যাট লেঃ রাজন ধল হাসপাতাল, ভাসান্ত কুঞ্জ Reviews

দিক দেখুন
4.8 (630 Reviews)
মন্তব্য দেওয়া ফিডব্যাকের ভিত্তিতে, যারা ক্রেডিহেল্থ বুকিং করেছেন

ওপিডি সময়:

Mon - Sat09:00 AM - 07:00 PM

ফোর্টিস ফ্ল্যাট লেঃ রাজন ধল হাসপাতাল এর জন্য পর্যালোচনা

একটি পর্যালোচনা লিখুন
(637 Result)
দ্বারা সাজান:
Sonia green_tickযাচাইকৃত ব্যবহারকারী


My wife has PCOD, and after a year of unsuccessfully trying to get pregnant, we saw multiple doctors. We went to see Dr. Kavita C Katoch one fine day, and she initially helped my wife get her periods under control before prescribing medication to trigger ovulation, monitoring us, and requesting us to have sex on specific times, which helped us get pregnant. My wife is currently six weeks pregnant by the grace of God Almighty.
Kaustav Das green_tickযাচাইকৃত ব্যবহারকারী


I am a 20-year-old woman who experienced severe abdominal pain before spending my last test time in and out of hospitals. I was diagnosed with a hemorrhagic cyst and given two cycles of medicine. Dr. Juhee Jain provided me with a second opinion. Dr. Juhee Jain gently advised me that I would most likely need surgery after taking the time to explain what had happened. My treatment was a success, and recovery was not too challenging.
Priyanka Chandra green_tickযাচাইকৃত ব্যবহারকারী


When I went to see Dr. Juhee Jain, I was pregnant for the first time and had a lot of concerns and questions. However, Juhee Mam has allayed my fears and concerns. She made me feel quite comfortable both during my pregnancy and after I gave birth.
Sagar Kumar Mishra green_tickযাচাইকৃত ব্যবহারকারী


I went to see Dr. Sutopa Banerjee because I had a tumour near my uterus. I am quite pleased with her demeanour and patience. She provided excellent guidance.
Neskeens D'souza green_tickযাচাইকৃত ব্যবহারকারী


My first prenatal consultation was with Dr. Sushmita Mishra. Things were not going well because I was unwell and vomiting constantly for the entire nine months of my pregnancy. Because she never prescribed too many meds and only what was necessary, I now have a beautiful girl as a result of her.
Md Moin Uddin green_tickযাচাইকৃত ব্যবহারকারী


I had a persistent UTI that would not go away. Then I went to see Dr. Shelley Katyal, and I noticed a difference the next week.
Vijayalakshmi green_tickযাচাইকৃত ব্যবহারকারী


I saw Dr. Pakhee Aggarwal in the sixth month of my pregnancy. I went to three doctors for checkups before seeing her, but I wasn't satisfied with the results. We were blown away by the hospitality after meeting Mamatha Reddy. In the final stages of giving delivery, I was suffering from a viral infection, and she was continually checking on me out of concern and support.
Ram Narayan Bajoria green_tickযাচাইকৃত ব্যবহারকারী


I recently underwent myomectomy, hysteroscopy, and ovarian cystescopy. Dr. Nivedita Raizada successfully removed the cysts and fibroids in my ovary during the surgeries. It's been a week, and I'm doing well with resuming my regular routine.
Parveen green_tickযাচাইকৃত ব্যবহারকারী


A Fibroid was discovered in the outer borders of my uterus during my fourth Ultrasonogram. I immediately sought the advice of Dr. Juhee Jain. She advised me to have the Fibroid removed because it could cause a miscarriage. She removed the Fibroid after a few days, and I am now healthy and on my way to giving birth to my kid.
Vansh Sharama green_tickযাচাইকৃত ব্যবহারকারী


We came at Dr Dipika Loganey's office late for a consultation—possibly after my wife's seventh month of pregnancy. Our prior doctor warned us that the delivery might be dangerous. Dr Dipika Loganey, on the other hand, calmed us when we saw her. Because of her, now we have a lovely child.
অনলাইন অ্যাপয়েন্টমেন্টঅনলাইন অ্যাপয়েন্টমেন্ট
অপেক্ষা লাউঞ্জঅপেক্ষা লাউঞ্জ
রক্তের ব্যাংকরক্তের ব্যাংক
ক্যাপাসিটি: 162 বেডক্যাপাসিটি: 162 বেড
টাকা পরিবর্তন করার যন্ত্রটাকা পরিবর্তন করার যন্ত্র
ক্রেডিট কার্ডক্রেডিট কার্ড
অপটিক্যাল আউটলেটঅপটিক্যাল আউটলেট
তেজস্ক্রিয়তা সংক্রান্ত বিজ্ঞানতেজস্ক্রিয়তা সংক্রান্ত বিজ্ঞান
ওয়াই ফাই সেবাওয়াই ফাই সেবা
সমস্ত পরিষেবা দেখুন
কম পরিষেবা দেখুন