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সর্বোচ্চ হাসপাতাল, গুড়গাঁও

সর্বোচ্চ হাসপাতাল, গুড়গাঁও Reviews

দিক দেখুন
5.0 (230 Reviews)
মন্তব্য দেওয়া ফিডব্যাকের ভিত্তিতে, যারা ক্রেডিহেল্থ বুকিং করেছেন

ওপিডি সময়:

Mon - Sat09:00 AM - 07:00 PM

সর্বোচ্চ হাসপাতাল এর জন্য পর্যালোচনা

একটি পর্যালোচনা লিখুন
(320 Result)
দ্বারা সাজান:
R Kumar green_tickযাচাইকৃত ব্যবহারকারী


I consulted Dr. Alok Gupta for my gallbladder surgery. He is an amazing person who has a lot of patience. I asked him a lot of questions but he was so patient with me and explained everything multiple times. Thank you doc.
Sunaina Thakur green_tickযাচাইকৃত ব্যবহারকারী


I have seen how exceptionally Dr. Thicken Lama dealt with ear tube placement. The doctor understood our mental state and spoke with us slowly. There is kindness plus excellence in this doctor.
Kapooranu150 green_tickযাচাইকৃত ব্যবহারকারী


Dr. Tahir Hussain was our ultimate hope when my daughter had tonsillectomy. This ENT Specialist provided us assurance that nothing could go wrong. Accordingly, Dr. Hussain did things. The doctor was so much responsible.
Mr Nirmal Khanna green_tickযাচাইকৃত ব্যবহারকারী


It was our pleasure to find such a dedicated pediatrician like Dr. Siddhartha Gogia. Dr. Siddhartha assured us about my nephew's healing soon. It was diarrhea and we were tensed about the poor health. Because of Dr. Siddhartha's treatment, my nephew is much better.
Most Rahima Begum green_tickযাচাইকৃত ব্যবহারকারী


Along with emotions, the treatment style of the doctor is also advanced. Dr. Shitj Kacker's role in my father';s arthritis management was helpful. The doctor continous saw my father's improvement and handled everything.
Diptoneel De green_tickযাচাইকৃত ব্যবহারকারী


Dr. sameer kakar was an outstanding physician due to whom mom's knee pain got less. I think the pain was be alleviated within next week itself. Dr. Kakar analyzes patients and their problems appropriatelyt.
Sharmin Sultana green_tickযাচাইকৃত ব্যবহারকারী


Believe it that Dr. Sameer Anand is very close to us. During the spine surgery, we all got super anxious, This doctor's endless care relieved the surgical complications to a large extent.
Kinjal Shah green_tickযাচাইকৃত ব্যবহারকারী


When it comes to comprehending the orthopedic concerns of his patients, Dr. Jatinder Bir Singh Jaggi is precise and thorough. He listens to all of your grievances with great candor and explains your condition to you in a kind and professional manner. He treats you like a part of the family.
Mariyam green_tickযাচাইকৃত ব্যবহারকারী


I always believe that once you meet Dr. Jagdeep Yadav, the rest of us can rest easy knowing that his treatments will take care of us just well. I saw him about my hypertension, and it's nearly completely gone now. Many thanks, sir.
Safura Tarannum green_tickযাচাইকৃত ব্যবহারকারী


I consulted Dr. H N Bajaj for my spine surgery. He is an amazing surgeon with years of experience. I am very happy with the way my surgery has turned out.
অপেক্ষা লাউঞ্জঅপেক্ষা লাউঞ্জ
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ক্যাপাসিটি: 100 টি বেডক্যাপাসিটি: 100 টি বেড
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