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মেডিওর হাসপাতাল, সকেট

মেডিওর হাসপাতাল, সকেট Reviews

দিক দেখুন
4.8 (165 Reviews)
মন্তব্য দেওয়া ফিডব্যাকের ভিত্তিতে, যারা ক্রেডিহেল্থ বুকিং করেছেন

ওপিডি সময়:

Mon - Sat09:00 AM - 07:00 PM

মেডিওর হাসপাতাল এর জন্য পর্যালোচনা

একটি পর্যালোচনা লিখুন
(253 Result)
দ্বারা সাজান:
Gyah green_tickযাচাইকৃত ব্যবহারকারী


My mother's thyroid medication was handled by Dr. Rohit Nayyar. He discussed the condition she was having in detail and advised us to get surgery.He detailed what she would go through before surgery, and thereafter he indicated what area he treated and the gland that he removed and was affected.
Sangita Tiwari green_tickযাচাইকৃত ব্যবহারকারী


My mother, who is 84 years old, had breast cancer and did not want to have surgery. After speaking with Dr. Rohit Nayyar, she was very delighted and surgery was completed within a week. Her sutures were removed and she is back to normal. We are all pleased with the doctor's personal attention.
S C Gupta green_tickযাচাইকৃত ব্যবহারকারী


Dr. Pankaj Kumar Arora is a brilliant radiation oncologist and you don’t think to doubt his skills. Last year, prostate -cancer treatment of my uncle was dealt by this doctor. We respect the oncologist for his dedication.
Sunita Maharana green_tickযাচাইকৃত ব্যবহারকারী


We admitted our father to the hospital in severe condition after he suffered a huge heart attack. Dr. Ganesh K Mani was the Surgeon who treated my 77-year-old father. Dr. Ganesh did an excellent job of explaining the risks connected with the surgical process while also instilling confidence in us.
Madhusudan Dutta green_tickযাচাইকৃত ব্যবহারকারী


For inflammatory bowel disease of mine, Dr. Brajendra Prasad Singh’s appointment was taken. It is true that the medical doctor gave me good treatment. But, we had to stay seated for long hours. It happened even after we argued about our appointments.
Neelam Arora green_tickযাচাইকৃত ব্যবহারকারী


Dr. Brajendra Prasad Singh has treated my mother and cousin very well. Recently, when my cousin had blood in his stool Dr. Brajendra prescribed medicines. The doctor convincingly ensured that my cousin stays away from fast foods.
Debi Rani Karmokar green_tickযাচাইকৃত ব্যবহারকারী


Dr. Brajendra Prasad Singh asked me questions regarding my acidity’s occurrence. From the very beginning, I witnessed the caring nature of this physician. For 1 month or so, I was having his medicines. Now, I don’t have any acidity issues.
Chetna Aswal green_tickযাচাইকৃত ব্যবহারকারী


Dr. Brajendra Prasad Singh gave opinions for my elder sister’s gallstones. According, the doctor arranged a good surgeon for us. We are delighted to get such a great gastroenterologist.
Dr Murli Singh green_tickযাচাইকৃত ব্যবহারকারী


Last month, my mom experienced heartburn issues. We saw Dr. Brajendra Prasad Singh for this condition. Dr. Singh was very nice with my mom. It took half an hour to complete his consultations. Recommending Dr. Brajendra highly.
Pavan Kumar green_tickযাচাইকৃত ব্যবহারকারী


My interaction with Dr. Anupam Bhargava was excellent. I saw him for a urine infection and thought it might be a renal problem, but he gave me good advice and identified the real cause. He gave me meds for three months as well.
অপেক্ষা লাউঞ্জঅপেক্ষা লাউঞ্জ
রক্তের ব্যাংকরক্তের ব্যাংক
টাকা পরিবর্তন করার যন্ত্রটাকা পরিবর্তন করার যন্ত্র
ওয়াই ফাই সেবাওয়াই ফাই সেবা
সমস্ত পরিষেবা দেখুন
কম পরিষেবা দেখুন