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জ্যোতি হাসপাতাল ও ইউরোলজি সেন্টার, আহমেদাবাদ

জ্যোতি হাসপাতাল ও ইউরোলজি সেন্টার, আহমেদাবাদ Reviews

দিক দেখুন
4.8 (123 Reviews)
মন্তব্য দেওয়া ফিডব্যাকের ভিত্তিতে, যারা ক্রেডিহেল্থ বুকিং করেছেন

ওপিডি সময়:

Mon - Sat09:00 AM - 07:00 PM

জ্যোতি হাসপাতাল ও ইউরোলজি সেন্টার এর জন্য পর্যালোচনা

একটি পর্যালোচনা লিখুন
(124 Result)
দ্বারা সাজান:
Credi Facebook green_tickযাচাইকৃত ব্যবহারকারী


My condition was explained to me by Dr. Nischal Naik. I could see my skin's dramatic improvement after just two sessions. I noticed immediate benefits thanks to the highly effective medication that was provided.
Sakina Tanveer Alware green_tickযাচাইকৃত ব্যবহারকারী


Our visit to see Dr. Nikunj Godhani was prompted by my wife's cervical sprain. He gave me an explanation of the issue and was quite courteous. It was a really pleasant appointment.
Archana Mishra green_tickযাচাইকৃত ব্যবহারকারী


Dr. Nikunj Godhani and I had a consultation regarding my sister. She had a disc slip. He has been advising us for a while. connected to a neuro-related problem. I am happy with the care I received.
Mr.Harikeshwar Mishra green_tickযাচাইকৃত ব্যবহারকারী


For spinal surgery, my wife had seen Dr. Kamal Kumar Nagar. I am happy with the care and advice I received. Although he was a doctor with a constrained amount of time and didn't spend much time with patients, his age, experience, and skills were excellent.
Seema Kumar green_tickযাচাইকৃত ব্যবহারকারী


Gallbladder stones were causing my father pain. Dr. Asit Rushikesh Mehta was consulted for guidance. He offered the MRPC scan. The stones were found in the bile duct during that MRI. So the doctor suggested having the gallbladder removed and ERPC. Actually, my father greatly benefits from his advice.
Sanchit Malik green_tickযাচাইকৃত ব্যবহারকারী


Ishani, my friend had kidney stones and Dr. Raghvendra Kashyap operate on her successfully. It is great to notice Dr. Kashyap’s friendly behavior with patients. After treatments, several instructions were also passed by the doctor.
Shail Kumari Singh green_tickযাচাইকৃত ব্যবহারকারী


I've started producing stomach fluid. There was some water, according to other doctors. However, after diagnosing me with a liver issue, Dr. Pinakin S. Patel thoroughly described the illness to me.
Suman Mishra green_tickযাচাইকৃত ব্যবহারকারী


I am grateful for Dr. Nirav Vakani's presence and the blessings of God. I had surgery to remove a benign tumor, and I'm really happy with the outcome. He follows up with her patients in a timely manner from the beginning until everything is fine.
Tanvi green_tickযাচাইকৃত ব্যবহারকারী


I would want to thank Dr. Rakhil Yadav for treating my mother's brain injury without requiring an operation. Even Sagar could not solve the case, but He could. by allowing patients to convey their pain before jumping into reports and by using his knowledge and experience to address cases.
Rk Grover green_tickযাচাইকৃত ব্যবহারকারী


I had spondylitis and neuro-related problems. Dr. Kamal Kumar Nagar gave out a prescription for medication. Medical testing was also conducted. I am now fine.
তেজস্ক্রিয়তা সংক্রান্ত বিজ্ঞানতেজস্ক্রিয়তা সংক্রান্ত বিজ্ঞান
সমস্ত পরিষেবা দেখুন
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