My baby is 2.5 month old n suffering from severe cold n cough ...from today onwards I started giving nebulizer n azee cough syrup..what else home remedy you suggest.
MBBS and Masters of Public Health08 September 2018 at 12:24
has the pediatrician advised nebulizer? what medicine are you giving in the nebulizer? if there any fever along with cough and cold? this is mostly because of season change and newborns are prone to upper respiratory born infections a lot.
Yes, it can if you're not careful. Exercises that involve heavy lifting or high impact can put extra stress on your spine and make the condition worse. However, gentle exercises like walking, swimming, or stretching can actually help relieve pressure on your disc and strengthen the muscles around it....
You should see a doctor if your back pain lasts longer than a few weeks, is severe, or is accompanied by symptoms like fever, numbness, or weakness in the legs. Proper treatment is necessary if the pain follows an accident or injury.
Dr. Nimrat Kaur
has the pediatrician advised nebulizer? what medicine are you giving in the nebulizer? if there any fever along with cough and cold? this is mostly because of season change and newborns are prone to upper respiratory born infections a lot.