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    What is cefixime tablets ip 200 mg?

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    Dr. Akanksha Pathania

    credihealthVerified DoctorMedical ExpertMedical Expert
    Member since 05 February 201924 May 2023 at 16:29

    Cefix 200 tablet comes in the antibiotic group. It fights a lot of bacteria and mainly works in upper respiratory tract infection like the urinary tract, ear, nasal, throat, and sexually transmitted diseases. The major side effects of using Cefix tablet are nausea, stomach pain, diarrhea and indigestion. This mainly kills the bacteria and forms a protective layer or cell wall to prevent the bacteria from invading the cell. We recommend you consult with the doctor before taking the medication. If you are allergic to antibiotics or have kidney or liver problems. Know your physician about your problems, they will recommend the best suitable medicine according to your condition.