My father is 65 year old he is suffering in liver tumor which is best treatment for this diases plz reply me he is also surgery in aderneral glade tumor in past 2016 now again he is other tumor in liver
Cancer is by definition abnormal growth of tissue which spreads and causes damage. The actual mechanism why and how it happens is the subject of a great deal of study but appears to involve small groups of cancer cells invading and breaking off in blood and lymph vessels and being carried along to d....
It depends on the country. Overdiagnosis relates to the finding of a cancer that doesn’t act in a life-limiting way. Since the beginning of mammography and PSA eras we have diagnosed a lot of such disease.Mammography has not changed the percentage of women who have metastatic disease, rather it has ....
It might depend on the cancer. Stage I breast cancer is the earliest stage of invasive breast cancer. At this stage, the cancer cells have spread beyond the original location and into the surrounding breast tissue. Because a stage I tumor is small, it may be difficult to detect. However, breast s....
Dr. Nimrat Kaur
treatment for tumor in the liver depends on the kind of tumor and its extent. please share your reports for a better advice.