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    How to cure gastric problem permanently?

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    Dr. Akanksha Pathania

    credihealthVerified DoctorMedical ExpertMedical Expert
    Member since 05 February 201924 May 2023 at 16:29

    There are many ways that you can cure gastric problems permanently. We will tell you some remedies before that you need to live sure that the food you are eating is slow. You're not taking any caffeine, smoking, or alcohol. You should take 8 hours of sleep and stay physically active. 1. Buttermilk is one the most effective ways to reduce the gastric problem and it maintains the healthy bacteria in the body. 2. Coconut milk is one of the natural drinks. It calms the acidity of the stomach and reduces the burning sensation. 3. Like juice is also a good way to use because it acts as a natural diuretithatch flushes out toxisubstancesce from the body. You can add lime juice daily in the morning. 4. Jeera Water or Cumin Water This is a magical drink that works in the digestive system. It improves digestion, reduces gas, treats acidity, and heals ulcers. 5. Jaggery You add jaggery with a meal as it prevents constipation. This work in the detox of the body. If it mixes with cumin, it helps in the cleansing of the liver as well.