Dr. Archana Ranade is a top ENT doctor in Circular Road, Kolkata and currently practicing at Apollo Gleneagles Hospital. Dr. Ranade has an experience of over 20 years and has been presented with a scientific paper on 'Clinical Profile of Tracheostomy in Rural Based Hospital' at Maharashtra State ENT Conference held at Foriya Resort, MontelucastLonavala, 5th-6th OctoberMontelukast in Allergic Rhinitis' at the National ENT Conference held in Kolkata in January 2004.
Dr. Archana Ranade is a top ENT doctor in Circular Road, Kolkata and currently practicing at Apollo Gleneagles Hospital. Dr. Ranade has an experience of over 20 years and has been presented with a scientific paper on 'Clinical Profile of Tracheostomy in Rura...