
8 Essential Things Every Pregnant Woman Should Know

कॉपी लिंक

Pregnancy is a beautiful journey, but one that comes with many challenges. You have to be extra cautious even while performing day-to-day activities. 

There are a few things that every pregnant woman should know to keep herself and the baby safe. Also, being well-informed can make the process smoother. 

In this article, we’ll discuss eight essential things every pregnant woman should know.

The first piece of advice everyone gives to pregnant women is to be stress-free during pregnancy. Stress can increase hormones such as cortisol and mess with oxygen levels. 

These hormones can negatively impact the child’s health or even cause miscarriage. Even if the baby is born, they might weigh less and possess the risk of diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, and high BP.

Thus, expecting women should find ways to relax. They can read books, meditate, or follow simple techniques like box breathing to relax.

Your baby eats what you eat. You should consume a balanced diet so that the little one growing inside you gets all the necessary nutrients for development. 

Your ideal diet includes fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and proteins. A balanced intake of iron, calcium, folic acid, and omega-3 fatty acids can help you maintain a well-nourished body. 

Moreover, mothers should avoid sweet, salty, oily, or spicy food as it can cause discomfort for both the mother and the baby. The same rule applies to caffeinated drinks and processed foods high in sugar and fats. 

Pregnancy is not the time when you embark on a weight-losing mission. Instead, you should focus on healthily gaining weight. 

If you start worrying about your looks and fail to eat adequate food, your baby will lack the nutrients necessary for healthy growth. It can lead to premature birth. 

However, gaining excessive weight can complicate the pregnancy. Thus, consider talking to your doctor to determine the safe weight level for your body.

Hyperparathyroidism is a condition in which the parathyroid glands produce an excessive amount of parathyroid hormone (PTH). This hormone can result in a high level of calcium in the blood. 

Hyperparathyroidism during pregnancy can increase the risk of miscarriage, low birth weight, or preterm labor. Therefore, pregnant women should get regular checkups and eat a healthy diet. 

Additionally, consult a doctor for appropriate treatment if you have a history of high calcium levels or experience unusual symptoms. 

As soon as we get symptoms of illness, we rush to medicines. But wait, you can’t do that while pregnant. Medications can have adverse effects on the baby in your womb. 

Certain medicines can harm fetal development while the organs and the nervous system are under development. As a result, the child might be born with a disability. 

Thus, before taking painkillers, antibiotics, or even herbal supplements, you should have a word with your doctor. They can recommend safe alternatives for you and the baby.

Smoking or drinking is a big no-no if you’re pregnant. Mothers should not consume any drink that contains alcohol and stay away from all kinds of drugs and cigarettes. 

Consuming alcohol or smoking during pregnancy can harm the baby in many ways than you imagine. It can lead to severe birth defects, premature birth, and miscarriage.

Moreover, alcohol and nicotine can affect brain development, resulting in the child being born with untreatable mental or physical disabilities. Thus, steering clear of such substances is crucial for a healthy pregnancy.

Yoga or exercise reduces stress, improves the sleep cycle, decreases lower back pain, decreases nausea or headaches, and improves mood. 

However, pregnant women should avoid strenuous exercise or stretches longer than 30 minutes. They can opt for walking, prenatal training, or swimming while avoiding high-impact workouts that can cause heavy breathing.

Mothers should listen to their bodies and stop right away when something feels uncomfortable or exhausting. Consult your doctors to be on the safer side. 

Tiredness during pregnancy might tempt you to relax in a steam room. However, overheating during pregnancy can be dangerous. High temperatures in saunas can cause dehydration and loss of nutrients. 

Moreover, when the body loses these vital nutrients, it can lead to thickening of the blood, making circulation less efficient. Reduced blood flow to the uterus and placenta can have serious consequences. 

Hence, mothers should avoid hot tubs, saunas, or any steam room to keep their body temperature at an optimum level. 


Pregnancy is a time of excitement. Remember the above-mentioned tips to avoid turning this excitement into worry. 

Stay informed and listen to your body’s needs. Also, follow your doctor’s advice and instructions for a smooth pregnancy.