10 Possible Reasons You Are Having Jaw Lock Frequently

नवजोत कौर के द्वारा

Bruxism (Teeth Grinding): Grinding or clenching your teeth, especially at night, can put a lot of pressure on the tmj & cause pain and locking sensations.


Arthritis: Osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis in the jaw joint can cause inflammation and damage that leads to pain and restricted movement.


Injury: Previous injury to the jaw, neck or head can alter alignment and biomechanics, resulting in TMJ dysfunction.


Stress & Anxiety: Increased stress can lead to behaviors like teeth grinding and clenching which strain the jaw joints.


Vitamin & Mineral Deficiencies: Lack of vitamins like B12, magnesium, and calcium can contribute to muscle spasms and cramps that affect jaw function.


TMJ Disorders: Problems with the temporomandibular joint itself, like disc displacement or dislocation, can interfere with smooth jaw movements.


Whiplash Injuries: Car accidents or other injuries involving sudden neck hyperextension can damage TMJ structures and mobility.


Seeing a dentist or doctor for an evaluation is recommended if jaw locking and pain persists for diagnosis and treatment.


Hypermobility of The Jaw: Ligament laxity or instability in the jaw joint allows for uncontrolled movements and locking episodes.


Sleep disorders: Conditions like sleep apnea that involve open-mouth breathing during sleep can worsen jaw dysfunction.


Dental Issues: Misaligned bite, missing teeth, ill-fitting dentures etc. can alter alignment and contribute to TMJ problems.


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