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    What to eat in dengue?

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    Devesh Shukla

    Medical ExpertMedical Expert
    Member since 16 May 202214 August 2022 at 17:17

    Fruits: Dates, Apricots, Pomegranate, Kiwi are some of the fruits that are rich in Vitamins such as Vitamin A, B12, C and Folate and have the effect of improving the reduction in the number of platelets in the blood.Papaya Leaf Juice: Papaya leaf juice is a quite famous remedy for dengue fever. It helps in improving immunity. Vegetable Juices: Vegetables are rich in essential nutrients. It will provide the right nourishment and keep healthy at the same time.Coconut Water: It is recommended to drink coconut water in dengue to avoid dehydration. It nourishes the body and keeps the person hydrated. Patients can drink up to two glasses of coconut water in a day.Herbal Tea: Teas are loaded with properties beneficial for health. Anyone can choose ginger tea, cardamom tea or cinnamon tea for better health. Patients can sip herbal tea and fasten up the recovery from dengue. The refreshing flavour of herbal tea will also refresh the mind.