My veins are weak due to electric shock. At present I am having a treatment of veins under consulting of an experienced Nuerolosist but I feel too much heatness in my body, specially in back and stomach. What is the reason?
MBBS and Masters of Public Health20 August 2018 at 13:03
Please consult with your current neurologist as he/she has the best knowledge about your case. I am not aware what treatment are you taking so don’t want to advise you anything with the incomplete information.
Generally no Health Policy in India covers infertility treatment in our country. Some new insurance private companies may include the benefits with add on charges or with the maternity benefit clause. But the reimbursements and the procedures covered have to be analysed and verified from various ins....
Dr. Nimrat Kaur
Please consult with your current neurologist as he/she has the best knowledge about your case. I am not aware what treatment are you taking so don’t want to advise you anything with the incomplete information.