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    Sexual Health


    Can women in India talk about sexual health freely with their gynaecologists?

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    Digital Doctor by Birth15 December 2017 at 10:36

    Thanks for asking this questions.

    Definitely, she has the right to ask anything related to sexual health with their Gynecologists.

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    Health Blogger and Fitness Expert31 March 2018 at 11:50


    In a better world, this should not be a problem at all. A gynecologist is an expert in the sexual health and he or she should be easy to talk with. However, in countries like India, talking about female’s sexual health is still considered a taboo which is one of the main reasons most of the women in India are unable to seek help in time. When we talk about the sexual health most of us limit our thinking just to the intercourse but there is a lot that has to be included. Varying from infection, pain, irregular menstrual cycle, sudden weight gain, stress or a headache after sex and many other issues related to sexual health are generally ignored by the women as they do not want to talk about it. It is always better to consult a doctor as soon as you face any problem. If you feel shy to talk to a male gynecologist, find yourself a female doctor but make sure to discuss if there is a problem.

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    Member since 25 October 201824 November 2018 at 17:27
