हालाँकि मेरे पास नियुक्तियां थीं लेकिन मैं कई रोगियों के बाद डॉ। अफरीन शब्बीर के चैंबर में प्रवेश कर सकता था। शांति के साथ, डॉक्टर ने दिल के दर्द के मेरे लक्षणों को सुना। यह गैस्ट्रिक मुद्दों की बात थी और डॉक्टर बहुत वंशज लग रहे थे।
Tahia सत्यापित
मेरे पेट में दर्द, सिरदर्द और कमजोरी मुझे एक सप्ताह से लगातार परेशान कर रही थी। डॉ। अफरीन शब्बीर ने मुझे एमआरआई स्कैन और ब्लड टेस्ट करने के लिए कहा। रक्त कैंसर के कुछ निशान पाए गए और उसने मुझे एक ऑन्कोलॉजिस्ट से मिलने की सिफारिश की। डॉक्टर को धन्यवाद।
Nidhi Suri सत्यापित
We liked the treatment method and descent behavior of Dr. Phani Kiran S. But his clinic seemed very much noisy to us. Still, Dr. Phani managed to care my uncle after laminectomy.
Abhin V Jain सत्यापित
While my father was recovering from spine surgery, we used to call Dr. Phani Kiran S for his suggestions. He always responded nicely to it. Most of the time, he went beyond professional line to help my dad.
Vijay Pal Singh सत्यापित
We were not much positive about vertrebroplasty’s success in my uncle who is 55 years old. Due to Dr. Phani Kiran S’s help we could learn that we are wrong. He was very supportive and well-mannered also.
Shyam Kalra सत्यापित
Dr. Phani Kiran S understood our concerns during aunt’s spine surgery. Immediately, he sat down to tell us about the procedure of this operation. It was just because of him that the surgery went on successfully. I genuinely thank Dr. Pahni.
Shiv Prasad सत्यापित
Dr. Phani Kiran S had to do craniotomy in my best friend Prakrit. Dr. Phani was informed us that he needed proper bed rest after the procedure. Also, the doctor was very polite every time.
Kiran Shitole सत्यापित
Dr. A Muraleedharan is excellent; he listens to our difficulties patiently and thoroughly explains them to us. My son had tonsillitis, so we went to see him, and he is now getting well.
Susnita Sarkar सत्यापित
My son, who is three years old, had an ear infection, so I went to see Dr. A Muraleedharan. My son felt at ease with her during therapy since he was so amiable and precise in explaining to us.
Rishith सत्यापित
Dr. A Muraleedharan is a pleasant doctor who correctly described the cause, dos, and don'ts when I visited him for an ear blockage. Extremely friendly takes the time to hear our worries and addresses them. Incredibly pleased with the overall experience and would strongly suggest him.