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एचसीजी कैंसर अस्पताल, कलिंगा राव रोड

एचसीजी कैंसर अस्पताल, कलिंगा राव रोड Reviews

कोई 8, एचसीजी टावर्स, पी कलिंग राव रोड, Sampangiram नगर, बैंगलोर, कर्नाटक, 560027, भारत

दिशा देखें
4.8 (1137 रिव्यूज)
उन व्यक्तियों से प्राप्त प्रतिक्रिया के आधार पर जिन्होंने क्रेडीहैल्थ के माध्यम से नियुक्तियाँ बुक की हैं

ओपीडी का समय:

सोम - शानि09:00 AM - 07:00 PM

एचसीजी कैंसर अस्पताल रिव्यूज देखें

रिव्यू लिखें
(10 परिणाम)
क्रमबद्ध करें:
Menoka Jana green_tickसत्यापित


My mother had colorectal surgery performed by Dr. Shekhar Patil. My mother had to go through chemotherapy after having colorectal surgery. My mother was well cared for by the doctor, who took the time to explain everything to us and answer all of our questions.
Kavitha Tadiboina green_tickसत्यापित


With a confident smile on his face, he has a really charming demeanour. Importantly, when a patient with an illness like cancer meets this doctor, they gain courage. The diagnosis, treatment plan, and advice given were all spot on.
Shaheen Sheikh green_tickसत्यापित


I am grateful to have found him and would suggest him to anyone in need of quality cancer care.
Sandeep Katewa green_tickसत्यापित


I recommend him to any health-seekers in India with cancer-related concerns.
Kanya Kumari Gurram green_tickसत्यापित


The doctor is incredibly friendly and understanding, and he explains the problem to the patient. He outlines the details of the problem in great detail. I would advise any patient who has an issue that is connected to Dr. Shekhar Patil's area of expertise to approach him without hesitation.
Hazi Unosh Ali green_tickसत्यापित


We've been seeing Dr. Shashidhar for my father's therapy since June 2018. We were taken aback by his assurance, as most of the other doctors were doubtful about my father's survival. He has been providing us with clear and exact information regarding the drug course and subsequent follow-up plan.
Neha Kumari green_tickसत्यापित


Dr. Vishal Rao is a very devoted physician to his patient; he understands the patient's suffering, listens to every concern, and delivers a comprehensive consultation. Thank you for your attention and assistance.
Abhishek green_tickसत्यापित


Dr. Shekhar Patil is exceptional not just in terms of his medical abilities, but also as a person who believes in instilling positivism and hope in her patients. I've gained a lot of mental peace by visiting him and knowing that I'm in good hands.
Bandana Dey green_tickसत्यापित


Throughout the operation, Dr. Vijay Bhaskar was incredibly lovely.
Shashi Kanta green_tickसत्यापित


He is an outstanding physician and a true professional who treats his patients like family.
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