Hello my father is 60 years old with diabetes, bp and heart problem , since 7 months he is having high serum keratin with increased wbc count (16000+) symptoms are fever and shivering what is the correct line of treatment .
MBBS and Masters of Public Health29 August 2018 at 10:40
By serum keratin you mean serum creatinine. Right? And WBC of 16000 is definitely high and with all those symptoms say he would also have high grade fever. He needs to visit an internal medicine specialist and get tested for any renal disease. High creatinine means renal disease and since he already has diabetes and heart problems, this should not be ignored. Let us know your city so that we can get you in touch with the best internal medicine/ urologist at the earliest.
According to Jason Shon Bennett to get an estimate of your health or doing a basic health check, answer the following 35 questions completely honestly. If none of the answers exactly applies to you, just choose the one closest to your situation. This questionnaire is loosely designed to give you ....
Your choice of treatment depends on a variety of factors: your medical condition, your lifestyle, and your level of comfort in administering your treatment at home. Both types of treatments are effective for many end stage renal disease (ESRD) patients. Regardless of whether you choose PD or HHD....
Yes, there are many simple exercises you can do to make your ankles stronger. Ankle circles are a great start—just sit down and slowly move your foot in a circular motion. Calf raises can also help; stand on your toes and slowly lower yourself back down. Using a resistance band to stretch and streng....
Dr. Nimrat Kaur
By serum keratin you mean serum creatinine. Right? And WBC of 16000 is definitely high and with all those symptoms say he would also have high grade fever. He needs to visit an internal medicine specialist and get tested for any renal disease. High creatinine means renal disease and since he already has diabetes and heart problems, this should not be ignored. Let us know your city so that we can get you in touch with the best internal medicine/ urologist at the earliest.