For the moon, Stars eternally dance02 June 2018 at 17:33
Liver transplant being complex process is done at high risk. To reduce chances or risk from the patient side they are given anaesthesia which makes them unconscious. Generally, everyone is unconscious during the liver transplant. Only in rare cases, patients are kept conscious due to some other medical issues. But then also patiently is not able to see their body being operated. Because there are drapes used over everything and there is a curtain between the patients head and the surgical area. Thus patients are not able to see liver transplant or any surgery performed on their body.
The liver is a nutrient-dense food offering a rich source of iron, vitamin B complex, vitamin A and both HDL and LDL. It’s also high in protein, low in fat. This is a misconception that liver meat is high in toxins due to its function of removing toxins from the bloodstream. Liver from different ....
The liver itself has no sensory nerve endings in its interior. It does have sensory nerve endings in its surface.The organ itself can’t feel pain. Even so, the sensation of liver pain can occur because the layer of tissue that surrounds the organ called Glisson’s Capsule does contain nerves.This is ....
Anamika Sharma
Liver transplant being complex process is done at high risk. To reduce chances or risk from the patient side they are given anaesthesia which makes them unconscious. Generally, everyone is unconscious during the liver transplant. Only in rare cases, patients are kept conscious due to some other medical issues. But then also patiently is not able to see their body being operated. Because there are drapes used over everything and there is a curtain between the patients head and the surgical area. Thus patients are not able to see liver transplant or any surgery performed on their body.