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    Bones and Muscles, General Healthcare


    My wife has a problem of vericose veins as diagnosed by orthopedician. She is facing this problem from past 6-7 years and everyone says there is no direct treatment for this disease, only some care can be done for temporary relief. Is it really true, can't this be treated at all? If no, then please guide us what should be done.

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    Member since 26 October 201715 December 2017 at 17:50

    Don’t lose your hope, stay positive.

    There are many different treatments available for varicose veins. These treatments vary based upon the size and location of the varicose veins, the presence of symptoms, and in cases of accompanying skin changes (for example, swelling, dermatitis or ulceration, for example).

    Briefly, potential treatments may include:

    • Leg elevation while sitting or sleeping
    • Compression dressings with single or multilayered systems
    • Compression stockings, Sclerotherapy (injection of a liquid or foam into the vein to form a clot and permanently destroy the vessel)
    • Ablation (destruction) of abnormal veins with techniques using laser
    • radiofrequency or other modalities Surgery (removal of the varicose veins, including "phlebectomy" or vein stripping).

    But you should consult the doctor about the safety and potential side effects of each type of treatment. Thoroughly review any "informed consent" forms the doctor gives you explaining the risks of a procedure. You also have to keep in mind that all venous (vein) diseases are typically progressive, no treatment can prevent the appearance of new varicose or spider veins in the future.

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    Doctor at Apollo Hospitals, Indore16 July 2018 at 18:49

    Varicose veins need to be treated surgically- either by laser or by open surgery. This will relieve the problem.

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    Member since 07 April 201907 April 2019 at 13:42


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    Dt. Neha Suryawanshi

    credihealthVerified Dietician
    Member since 07 February 201822 June 2018 at 16:23

    Ask me directly for customized diet plan for her .you can consult with me on my what's up no. 9757149915 
