My father is 65 year old he is suffering in liver tumor which is best treatment for this diases plz reply me he is also surgery in aderneral glade tumor in past 2016 now again he is other tumor in liver
Vulvar Paget's disease is a type of skin cancer of the Vulva. It presents as redness, velvety appearance with white islands of tissue. This is accompanied by itching and pain. If you have any such symptoms, contact your oncologist/gynaecologist for further treatment.
As any person with cancer knows, a cancer diagnosis also affects family members and friends. Sometimes, the complex feelings and lifestyle changes caused by cancer and its treatment become as overwhelming for others in your life as they are for you. Cancer has the greatest effect on marriages and....
Dear All, Myelofibrosis & osteopetrosis are two different diseases, According to your symptoms, it points towards Myelofibrosis. It is a rare form of cancer. Please get in touch with our Medical Assistant to evaluate your condition. There are many medical management techniques. Patients b....
Dr. Nimrat Kaur
treatment for tumor in the liver depends on the kind of tumor and its extent. please share your reports for a better advice.