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    Sexual Health


    hii.. after i had my first child in feb 2015 my desire to have sex has almost died.. even i tried hard but all in vain.. is there anything wrong with me.. also i had D&C for missed abortion in april end this year.. when should i try again..

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    Dr. Nimrat Kaur

    credihealthVerified Doctor
    MBBS and Masters of Public Health16 August 2018 at 09:40

    it is normal to experience loss of libido (sexual drive) after childbirth. It is because of hormonal upsurge and the psychological trauma a woman goes through during childbirth. You should definitely talk to your OBGYN regarding this as now it has been 3 years since your first childbirth. It is a long time to not be physically intimate with your partner. Have you and your husband discussed this? As I can read, you seem to have tried hard. Have you and your husband considered counseling with a sex expert? If not, you must consider it.

    About D&C and planning a second child; what was the cause of getting D&C done? Was it an abortion or miscarriage?

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    Dr. Nimrat Kaur

    credihealthVerified Doctor
    MBBS and Masters of Public Health16 August 2018 at 11:23


    I would suggest you to visit a sex-expert for the same. You can also have a chat with your OBGYN regarding the same.  Lets us know if we at Credihealth can help in getting you in touch with any of these experts.