Why does the liver have a hepatic portal vein and a hepatic vein?
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Sir do ur hospital do treatment for liver jondis
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எழுதியவர்:Dr. Nitika Sharma - BDS
மதிப்பிட்டவர்:Dr. Rakesh Kumar - MBBS, MS
Suraj Kumar
Portal vein carries things away from the intestines and stomach & headed it to the liver because of which the liver receives regular blood from the artery & the intestines, which is headed from the gut to the liver for processing. These sources of blood drain from the liver in the hepatic vein. Because of this dual blood supply from artery and intestines, losing the portal vein doesn't cause the liver to die. If the portal vein thrombosis in cirrhosis, it will cause a decline in liver function and hepatic encephalopathy, leaving the liver unaffected & blocked blood flow has to find another way back to the heart. However, it can be disastrous to thrombosis the hepatic vein, because it's the one way out & can also result in severe injury.