Hello ma'am, i had delivered on 20 june and my periods ended on 17th july....since then periods have not come....is it normal? or should i eat something for periods?
You should avoid drinking during your periods. Your body is fatigued and already experiencing a lot. If you drink, the chances for a heavier flow increases and will make you more uncomfortable and uneasy. So, try to avoid it.
अनियमित अवधियों (Periods also known as menstrual cycle) को चिकित्सकीय रूप से oligomenorrhea कहा जाता है, जिसे महिलाओं में काफी आम समस्या माना जाता है। वजन घटाने, चिकित्सा की स्थिति और जीवन शैली जैसे कई कारकों के कारण, इस आम समस्या में अनचाहे तनाव और तनाव का सामना करने की क्षमता होती है, जिससे हमें स....
Dr. Nimrat Kaur
Verified Doctoryou had periods right after your delivery? what was the date after delivery when your period started?