Vaibhav Kumar

communityCredihealth Admin
Administration @ Credicommunity13 December 2017 at 09:57

As I understand it a fever is a normal reaction to an infection. It seems that many of the “bugs” people get, don’t do well at higher than what a human is normal temperature. It makes a little bit of

Vaibhav Kumar

communityCredihealth Admin
Administration @ Credicommunity02 June 2018 at 17:36

An increase in the SGOT and SGPT levels is an indication of liver damage. The normal level of 30 for males and 19 for females if it reaches it medical attention is required. SGPT levels in the blood a....

Vaibhav Kumar

communityCredihealth Admin
Administration @ Credicommunity05 January 2018 at 09:09

The liver is involved in metabolizing many toxins, including drugs and medications, chemicals, and natural substances. Liver disease causes the liver to function abnormally, as a result enhancing form....

Vaibhav Kumar

communityCredihealth Admin
Administration @ Credicommunity04 January 2018 at 09:05

The liver is divided into two lobes by the middle hepatic vein: the right lobe of liver and the left lobe of the liver. The right lobe of the liver is larger than the left lobe of the liver. The ri....