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    What should I do for my career growth?

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    For the moon, Stars eternally dance02 June 2018 at 17:31


    Develop a timeline for your future. Make sure you realize how much work you need to do to complete the goals for the future. Write down where you see yourself in five years. Set your goals for shorter timelines and try to achieve them in lesser time. Some companies have specific programs to help their employees in moving forward in a career. Make sure to check the programs and fulfill the targets provided in the program. You should also examine your pastime and hobbies. Sometimes you do not realize that your better career path has to do something with the things you like. Keep a note of your past accomplishments with you. Do work on improving them. Don’t hold yourself to the current job only. See for more opportunities. Review your career regularly and check for latest job trends in your field. Keep sharpening your skills and if there is something new that can help you in getting a better job, learn it.