My father is 65 year old he is suffering in liver tumor which is best treatment for this diases plz reply me he is also surgery in aderneral glade tumor in past 2016 now again he is other tumor in liver
Yes…!! It is safe for health. This fruit looks like a small pumpkin and is green to pale yellow in colour. It is one of the most popular natural diet supplements. It contains Hydroxy citric acid (HCA) that is obtained from its rind and it is capable of burning fats much faster than other supple....
Because they are derived from normal cells that have hormone receptors and the normal cells must respond to hormones in order to fulfil their function. A high proportion of breast cancers are Estrogen Receptor Positive. This means they have a large number of estrogen receptors, indicating that estro....
As you know, chemotherapy, radiation and surgery, along with targeted treatments, gene therapy, laser and a few others are the standard traditional procedures for cancer treatment; they are called that because they have a proven track record and you can look up research results and find out that tho....
Dr. Nimrat Kaur
Verified Doctortreatment for tumor in the liver depends on the kind of tumor and its extent. please share your reports for a better advice.