My wife suffer arthritis problem.
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Monkeypox is an infectious disease caused by the monkeypox virus, in the Orthopoxvirus genus, and is related to smallpox. The first human case was identified in 1970, and historically, it has primarily been found on the African continent, except in cases related to travel or imported animals.Since 1....
Cooked vegetables can be consumed during typhoid so that the body receives vital nutrients to get stronger. Well cooked or boiled vegetables like potatoes, carrots, beets, raw papaya and squash can be consumed. They are easy to digest and provide nutrients.
Please mention site of ‘chaale’. If they are inside of oral cavity, then they are called oral ulcers and treatment is daily dose of vitamin b12 and local application of smyle gel. Also, avoid spicy food. Please see a dentist in case they bleed or your gums bleed.
Credihealth is not a medical practitioner and does not provide medical advice. You should consult your doctor or with a healthcare professional before starting any diet, exercise, supplementation or medication program. Know More
كُتب بواسطة:Dr. Nitika Sharma - BDS
تمت مراجعته من قبل:Dr. Rakesh Kumar - MBBS, MS
Chandana Saha
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