كوليس أنواري طبيب هو أخصائي العلاج الطبيعي مشهور في بنغالور ويمارس حاليًا في Narayana Medical Centre, Langford Town, Bangalore. على مدار السنوات 13 الماضية، عمل كوليس أنواري طبيب كـ الطبيب الفيزيائي واكتسب مهارات ومعرفة متقنة في هذا المجال.كوليس أنواري طبيب حصل في من BPT قد حصل على هذه الدرجة العلمية.
كوليس أنواري طبيب هو أخصائي العلاج الطبيعي مشهور في بنغالور ويمارس حاليًا في Narayana Medical Centre, Langford Town, Bangalore. على مدار السنوات 13 الماضية، عمل كوليس أنواري طبيب كـ الطبيب الفيزيائي واكتسب مهارات ومعرفة متقنة في هذا المجال.كوليس أنواري طبيب حصل في م...
Dr. Sangeeta Sinha is a lovely woman with exceptional skills for managing pregnancy complications. She is committed to his endeavors. She has a distinguished personality laced with enormous wisdom. Anyone experiencing a pregnancy-related issue should see Dr. Sinha.
Debolina Saha مستخدم تم التحقق منه
My recent treatment and hysterectomy were performed by Dr. Sangeeta Sinha. I'm completely satisfied. She is a good person in addition to being an excellent doctor. She gently addressed my concerns and issues.
Suryadevara Usha Rani مستخدم تم التحقق منه
As I was moving, I visited Dr. Sangeeta Sinha in the third trimester of my pregnancy. She carefully reviewed my prior medical information and didn't request that the tests be repeated. As I had no labor pains, Dr. Sinha waited until I was in the 40th week of pregnancy before performing a c-section to deliver my baby daughter on the exact day I was supposed to.
Uma مستخدم تم التحقق منه
I am appreciative of Dr. Sangeeta Sinha and her entire medical staff for handling my c-section operation successfully and providing me with ongoing care and support. I want to express my sincere gratitude for the kind care I received and the hospitality that made me feel at home.
Archana Prabha مستخدم تم التحقق منه
Dr. Sangeeta Sinha was caring for my wife during her pregnancy. We were aware from the start that the pregnancy was high risk because she also had some other serious issues. The doctor assisted us to take proactive care of all the difficulties by properly outlining all the medical information. With a c-section under her, my wife was able to give birth to a stunning baby girl.