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دارمافارام فيجايكومار طبيب

MBBS, DPM, डीएनबी

مستشار - الطب النفسي

27 سنوات من الخبرة طبيب نفسي

دارمافارام فيجايكومار طبيب هو طبيب نفسي مشهور في بنغالور ويمارس حاليًا في Manipal Hospital, Varthur Road, Bangalore. على مدار السنوات 27 الماضية، عمل دارمافارام فيجايكومار طبيب كـ طبيب نفسي واكتسب مهارات ومعرفة متقنة في هذا المجال.دارمافارام فيجايكومار طبيب حصل في 19...
اقرأ المزيد

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أسئلة متكررة

Q: Where is Columbia Asia Hospital, Whitefield located? up arrow

A: The hospital is located at Survey No. 10P & 12P, Ramagondanahalli, Varthur Kodi,Whitefield Bengaluru, Karnataka 560066

Q: Where is Fortis Hospital, Cunningham Road located ? up arrow

A: The hospital is located at 14, Cunningham Road, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560052

Q: Can we book the appointment for this doctor through Credihealth? up arrow

A: Yes, you can book an appointment with this doctor through Credihealth's web portal or Android App

Q: What are consultation fees for this doctor? up arrow

A: The consultation fees for this doctor are Rs 1500

Q: How can I book an appointment with this doctor? up arrow

A: You can book an appointment with Dr.Darmavaram Vijaykumar clicking on the book appointment tab on the top right side of the page

Q: What does Dr.Darmavaram Vijaykumar specialize in? up arrow

A: The doctor specializes in Psychiatry

Q: Where does the doctor work? up arrow

A: The doctor works at Fortis Hospital, Cunningham Road

Darmavaram Vijaykumar Psychiatrist