جيريش ك طبيب هو طبيب أسنان مشهور في ميسور ويمارس حاليًا في Narayana Multispeciality Hospital, Mysore. على مدار السنوات 13 الماضية، عمل جيريش ك طبيب كـ جراحي الأسنان واكتسب مهارات ومعرفة متقنة في هذا المجال.جيريش ك طبيب حصل في من BDS, في من MDS قد حصل على هذه الدرجة العلمية.
جيريش ك طبيب هو طبيب أسنان مشهور في ميسور ويمارس حاليًا في Narayana Multispeciality Hospital, Mysore. على مدار السنوات 13 الماضية، عمل جيريش ك طبيب كـ جراحي الأسنان واكتسب مهارات ومعرفة متقنة في هذا المجال.جيريش ك طبيب حصل في من BDS, في من MDS قد حصل على هذه الد...
I've had a strange object in my ear for two weeks. I received an ear drop and had the syringing operation with Dr. Ajit Degwekar without discomfort. I appreciate it, doctor.
Mahboob مستخدم تم التحقق منه
One fishbone was caught on my tonsil, causing me pain, but Dr. Ajit Degwekar quickly removed it. I appreciate the doctor taking the fishbone out.
Mucky مستخدم تم التحقق منه
I saw Dr. Ajit Degwekar because I had been experiencing earaches for a week due to ear wax. He used sophisticated camera-based equipment to examine my ear from the inside and clean it quickly. He also looked at both of my ears.
Zaibunnisa Begum مستخدم تم التحقق منه
For my wife, I went to see Dr. Ajit Degwekar. She was in pain in her ears. Dr. promised she would be treated, attentively listened to her condition, examined her, and described the issue in layman's terms.
Sahansar Pal مستخدم تم التحقق منه
I had been experiencing ear congestion, ear discomfort, and sore throat for the past three months and was utterly baffled about what had occurred in my ear. I only needed a thorough examination from Dr. Ajit Degwekar and five minutes of washing before I felt better.