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مانان بي باريك طبيب

مستشار مشارك - أمراض الرئة

5 سنوات من الخبرة أخصائي الرئة

مانان بي باريك طبيب هو أخصائي الرئة مشهور في جورجاون ويمارس حاليًا في Medanta The Medicity, Gurgaon. على مدار السنوات 5 الماضية، عمل مانان بي باريك طبيب كـ متخصصون في الرئة واكتسب مهارات ومعرفة متقنة في هذا المجال.مانان بي باريك طبيب حصل في 2014 من SDM College of Med...
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Reviews مانان بي باريك طبيب

Dilip Prasad green_tickمستخدم تم التحقق منه


Overall, I had a great experience. The hospital is well-kept, tidy, and clean. The staff is incredibly kind and helpful. I definitely recommend Dr. Kruti Patel if you have migraine problems. But the doctor was a little late due to traffic which is understandable.
Shipra Biswas green_tickمستخدم تم التحقق منه


I spoke with Dr. Kruti Patel about my rheumatoid arthritis treatment. She suggested RA factor, creatinine, and hemogram blood testing. I truly appreciate the way she acts, and I feel better about how she is treating me.
Shaheen Siddique green_tickمستخدم تم التحقق منه


We sought treatment for our fever, acid reflux, and extreme stomach pain. Dr. Kruti Patel calmly listened to all of our concerns and examined all of the information before prescribing medications.
अशोक जैन green_tickمستخدم تم التحقق منه


I was concerned about an enzyme in my liver that had tripled in amount. It was connected to vitamin D insufficiency by Dr. Kruti Patel. I inquired a little bit more about it to see how it relates to vitamin D. Her justification was really persuasive.
Abdul Kalam Shaikh green_tickمستخدم تم التحقق منه


I complained of chest pain and a persistent cough to Dr. Kruti Patel. My interactions with the doctor and her team were pleasant. I received thorough information about my appointment.

Other Information

أسئلة متكررة

Q: What does Dr. Manan B Parikh specialize in? up arrow

A: Dr. Manan B Parikh specializes in Pulmonology.

Q: How much experience Dr. Manan B Parikh have in Pulmonology speciality? up arrow

A: Dr. Manan B Parikh has 5 years of experience in Pulmonology speciality.

Q: Where does Dr. Manan B Parikh work? up arrow

A: The doctor works at Medanta Hospital Gurgaon.

Q: What is the address of Medanta Hospital Gurgaon? up arrow

A: CH Bhaktawar Singh Road, Sector 38, Gurgaon

Q: How can I book an appointment with Dr. Manan B Parikh? up arrow

A: You can call on 8010994994 or visit Credihealth online portal to book an online appointment with Dr. Manan B Parikh.

قيّم المعلومات على هذه الصفحة • متوسط التقييم 4.38 star ratingstar ratingstar ratingstar ratingstar rating5 التصويتات
Manan B Parikh Pulmonologist