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مؤمن محمد ماجد أيوب طبيب

MBBS, डी एन बी - नेफ्रोलोजी

مستشار زائر - أمراض الكلى

13 سنوات من الخبرة أخصائي الكلى

مؤمن محمد ماجد أيوب طبيب هو أخصائي الكلى مشهور في مومباي ويمارس حاليًا في Global Hospital, Mumbai. على مدار السنوات 13 الماضية، عمل مؤمن محمد ماجد أيوب طبيب كـ طبيب أمراض الكلى واكتسب مهارات ومعرفة متقنة في هذا المجال.مؤمن محمد ماجد أيوب طبيب حصل في من MBBS, في من...
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Reviews مؤمن محمد ماجد أيوب طبيب

Jyoti Yadav green_tickمستخدم تم التحقق منه


When father got stomach pain from a week, we went to Dr. Aravind GM. It was found that dad got large kidney stones. As operation became mandatory so a good surgeon was recommended by the doctor.
Harold Rose green_tickمستخدم تم التحقق منه


I met Dr. Aravind GM when viral fever disturbed my work life. Dr. Aravind told me to take some break and gave medicines. I admire his supportive nature and effectiveness. Very few doctors can be found like him.
Muktaram Banerjee green_tickمستخدم تم التحقق منه


Dr. Aravind G M cured back pain of my mother-in-law. Some powerful drugs were given by the doctor. The best part is that we could place our opinions before the doctor very freely. Thanking him a lot.
Anandita Das green_tickمستخدم تم التحقق منه


As my niece was dealing with pneumonia, we had to book appointment of Dr. Aravind G M. Initially, we didn’t like the overcrowded clinic that he had. But, we had a good experience in conhversing about the health issue with Dr. Aravind GM.
Magubool Bee green_tickمستخدم تم التحقق منه


When menstrual pain got very badly for my daughter Priya, we asked help from our family doctor. Dr. Dr. Aravind GM is very trustable and his medicines works for us. I can personally recommend this doctor for other citizens.

Other Information

أسئلة متكررة

Q: Where does Dr. Momin Mohd work? up arrow

A: Dr. Momin Mohd works at Global Hospital.

Q: What is the address of Global Hospital? up arrow

A: 35, Dr E, Dr Ernest Borges Rd, opp. Shirodkar High School, Parel, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400012

Q: What does Dr. Momin Mohd specialize in? up arrow

A: Dr. Momin Mohd specialize in Nephrology.

قيّم المعلومات على هذه الصفحة • متوسط التقييم 4.15 star ratingstar ratingstar ratingstar ratingstar rating5 التصويتات
Momin Mohd Majid Ayyub Nephrologist