نيشا أيير طبيب هو طبيب الدم مشهور في مومباي ويمارس حاليًا في Surya Hospital, Mumbai. على مدار السنوات 8 الماضية، عمل نيشا أيير طبيب كـ أطباء اضطراب الدم واكتسب مهارات ومعرفة متقنة في هذا المجال.نيشا أيير طبيب حصل في من MBBS, في من MD, في من Fellowship - Paediatric Hemato Oncology قد حصل على هذه الدرجة العلمية. بعض العلاجات التي يقدمها نيشا أيير طبيب هي العلاج المناعي.
نيشا أيير طبيب هو طبيب الدم مشهور في مومباي ويمارس حاليًا في Surya Hospital, Mumbai. على مدار السنوات 8 الماضية، عمل نيشا أيير طبيب كـ أطباء اضطراب الدم واكتسب مهارات ومعرفة متقنة في هذا المجال.نيشا أيير طبيب حصل في من MBBS, في من MD, في من Fellowship - Paedi...
When my kid was brought to the NICU, I was anxious about him. Dr. Nidhi Jain is a truly gifted soul from God. She is really amiable and will clarify things in counseling with patience. Actually, I'm happy to have met her.
Mr.Tarun Kanti Banerjee مستخدم تم التحقق منه
On the day of my C-section, Dr. Nidhi Jain and I first met. She calmly described the dangers and uncertainties that may arise after my kid is delivered, which helped my husband and I stay sane when I had to deliver my baby at 29 weeks.
Sunil Goenka مستخدم تم التحقق منه
Since the beginning, Dr. Nidhi Jain has served as our pediatrician, and her prognoses have always been accurate. She has a very practical attitude and is quite clear when giving directions. She is highly advised for infants, especially preterm ones.
Satbir Singh مستخدم تم التحقق منه
Dr. Nidhi Jain treated my newborn who had jaundice. I was very worried about my baby so I asked a lot of questions. But the doctor was patient with me and understood my concern as a first time parent. Thank you doctor.
Kavita Devi مستخدم تم التحقق منه
When we had questions, Dr. Nidhi Jain was extremely attentive in answering them in depth. I was fortunate that my now-happy 10-month-old was in capable care during his almost one-month stay in the NICU. But the hospital takes a lot of time for billing.