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سان ساتيان طبيب

MBBS, एमडी - चिकित्सा, डीएम - नेफ्रोलोजी

استشاري - أمراض الكلى

23 سنوات من الخبرة أخصائي الكلى, أخصائي زرع الكلى

سان ساتيان طبيب هو أخصائي الكلى مشهور في تشيناي ويمارس حاليًا في SIMS Hospitals, Vadapalani, Chennai. على مدار السنوات 23 الماضية، عمل سان ساتيان طبيب كـ طبيب أمراض الكلى واكتسب مهارات ومعرفة متقنة في هذا المجال.سان ساتيان طبيب حصل في من PSG Institute of Medical Sci...
اقرأ المزيد

Reviews سان ساتيان طبيب

Kamal Khatri green_tick مستخدم تم التحقق منه


Often my father used to go to doctors and his diabetes didn't improve. When he took consultation from Dr. Raj Kishore, things began to change. The positivity from the doctor's side meant a lot for my father and us.
p k
Priyanka Kumari green_tick مستخدم تم التحقق منه


Dr. Raj Kishore Agarwal showed his excellency during my treatment. I didn't bother about food habits after appendectomy and the consequences were maanged by Dr., Agarwal. Definitely thankful to this doctor.
Wajeeha Malik green_tick مستخدم تم التحقق منه


Dr. Raj Kishore Agarwal has immense knowledge about medicines. Mom got few tablets recommended by him for constipation. Dr. Raj also values patients and tries to give them utmost priority.

Other Information

أسئلة متكررة

Q: How much experience Dr. S Sathiyan in Nephrology speciality? up arrow

A: Dr. S Sathiyan has 23 years of experience in Nephrology speciality.

Q: Where does Dr. S Sathiyan work? up arrow

A: Dr. S Sathiyan works at SIMS Hospitals, Vadapalani.

Q: What is the address of SIMS Hospitals, Vadapalani? up arrow

A: Near Vadapalani Metro Station, No.1, Jawaharlal Nehru Salai, Vadapalani, Chennai

Q: What does Dr. S Sathiyan specialize in? up arrow

A: Dr. S Sathiyan specialize in Nephrology.

قيّم المعلومات على هذه الصفحة • متوسط التقييم 4.94 star rating star rating star rating star rating star rating 3 التصويتات
S Sathiyan Nephrologist