شابنام زاهر طبيب هو طبيب أسنان مشهور في كولكاتا ويمارس حاليًا في Calcutta Medical Research Institute, Kolkata. على مدار السنوات 10 الماضية، عمل شابنام زاهر طبيب كـ جراحي الأسنان واكتسب مهارات ومعرفة متقنة في هذا المجال.شابنام زاهر طبيب حصل في من Calcutta BDS, في من Calcutta MDS قد حصل على هذه الدرجة العلمية. بعض العلاجات التي يقدمها شابنام زاهر طبيب هي تبييض الأسنان، ورانولا الختان.
شابنام زاهر طبيب هو طبيب أسنان مشهور في كولكاتا ويمارس حاليًا في Calcutta Medical Research Institute, Kolkata. على مدار السنوات 10 الماضية، عمل شابنام زاهر طبيب كـ جراحي الأسنان واكتسب مهارات ومعرفة متقنة في هذا المجال.شابنام زاهر طبيب حصل في من Calcutta BDS, في من...
Initially, Dr. Sharmila Chandra had given few diagnostic tests to checkout my friend’s health conditions. The doctor proceeded with blood cancer treatment only after taking our suggestions. Dr. Chandra is extremely dedicated and stays approachable also.
Mehar Prakash Jaiswal مستخدم تم التحقق منه
I have mylonoma and it was very tough for my family when they heard the news but Dr. Sharmila Chandra made sure that she cleared any confusion in our minds. She is always available for any doubts.
Suraj Kumar مستخدم تم التحقق منه
I have blood cancer and Dr. Sharmila Chandra is my oncologist. She is an amazing person, always smilling and encouraging her patients. Her dedication shows up in her actions.
Yasmeen Begum مستخدم تم التحقق منه
With much compassion, Dr. Sharmila Chandra informed us about the urgency of bone marrow transplant for my 18 year old sister. My father agreed with the doctor and the results were good. I thank the doctor personally.
Vinod Kumar Sharma مستخدم تم التحقق منه
Dr. Sharmila Chandra is like a savior for us. When our daughter was diagnosed with lukemia we were lost, but Dr. Sharmila Chandra never let us loose hope. Thanks to her our daughter is much better now.
Neha مستخدم تم التحقق منه
My nephew is 20 years old and he had a need of bone marrow transplant. When we discussed about it with Dr. Sharmila Chandra, the doctor seemed understanding. The procedure was done nicely and we are fully satisfied with this doctor.
Sreedham Paul مستخدم تم التحقق منه
Dr. Sharmila Chandra is a kind lady who treated blood cancer in my cousin. This case was complicated because my cousin had a weak immune system. But, Dr. Chandra is enough skilled and she pulled through the treatment rightly.
Drguptam مستخدم تم التحقق منه
For meeting Dr. Sharmila Chandra we booked an appointment before 2 days of the actual visit. Still, we got screwed up in the queue. But, my child had his routine checkup after bone marrow transplant appropriately. Dr. Sharmila is a friendly doctor as well.
Soumyadeep Bid مستخدم تم التحقق منه
Dr. Sharmila Chandra is treating my father for his blood cancer. Thanks to her we are slowly regaining our lost hope. May god bless you doc. But it would be better if you could control the crowd in the clinic.
Sk Mohta مستخدم تم التحقق منه
My mother has lymphoma and she has been getting treatment from Dr. Sharmila Chandra for almost 6 months now. Our experience with her is just amazing. We are highly satisfied and would recommend others as well.
أسئلة متكررة
Q: ما هي سنوات الممارسة لـ شابنام زاهر طبيب؟
A: شابنام زاهر طبيب سنوات الممارسة هي 10 سنة.
Q: ما هي مؤهلات شابنام زاهر طبيب؟
A: شابنام زاهر طبيب يساوي बीडीएस, एमडीएस.
Q: ما هو تخصص شابنام زاهر طبيب؟
A: التخصص الأساسي لـ شابنام زاهر طبيب هو جراحة الأسنان.