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جراحة سرطان الرئة

بدءًا من: Rs. 4,00,000
●   نوع الإجراء:  جراحية
●   وظيفة:  إزالة الخلية لعلاج سرطان الرئة.
●   الأسماء الشائعة:  استئصال الرئة
●   شدة الألم:  مؤلم
●   مدة الإجراء: 2-6 hours
●   أيام المستشفى : 5 - 7 Days
●   نوع التخدير: عام

احصل على تكلفة جراحة سرطان الرئة في بنغالور

الاسم الأول *

الاسم الأخير *

رقم الاتصال *

معرف البريد الإلكتروني *

أفضل الأطباء لـ جراحة سرطان الرئة في بنغالور

MBBS, एमडी, डीएम

استشاري أول - طب الأورام

32 سنوات من الخبرة,

أمراض النساء

एमबीबीएस, एमडी - आंतरिक दवाई, डीएम - मेडिकल ऑन्कोलॉजी

رئيس قسم واستشاري - طب الأورام

21 سنوات من الخبرة, 0 جوائز

أمراض النساء

استشاري - جراحة الأورام

21 سنوات من الخبرة, 0 جوائز

علم الجهاز الهضمي الجراحي

MBBS, एमएस - जनरल सर्जरी,

رئيس مجلس الإدارة ورئيس مجلس الإدارة ومستشار - جراحة الأورام

33 سنوات من الخبرة, 0 جوائز

جراحة الثدي

MBBS, एमडी, Famsa

استشاري - جراحة الأورام

47 سنوات من الخبرة, 0 جوائز

أمراض النساء

جراحة سرطان الرئة التكلفة من المستشفيات الموثوقة في بنغالور

Manipal Hospital

No.71/1, Millers Road, Opp. St. Anne's College, Bangalore, Karnataka, 560052

Multi Speciality Hospital

Manipal Hospital

98, Kodihalli, Near HAL Bus Stop, Old Airport Road, Bangalore, Karnataka, 560017

Multi Speciality Hospital

Narayana Multispeciality Hospital

Basant Health Centre Building, No-1, 18th Main, Opposite HSR Club, Sector 3, HSR Layout, Bangalore, Karnataka, 560102, India

Multi Speciality Hospital

Cytecare Cancer Hospital

Near, Venkatala, Bagalur Cross, Yelahanka, Bengaluru, Karnataka, Bangalore, Karnataka, 560064, India

Multi Speciality Hospital

HCG Hospital

No 8, HCG Towers, P Kalinga Rao Road, Sampangi Ram Nagar, Bangalore, Karnataka, 560027, India

Single Speciality Hospital

Need answers for your medical queries? Looking for information regarding Lung Cancer Surgery test cost in bangalore? Credihealth, an online health portal, is here to assist you. Our services give you access to verified information and let you choose from our list of hospitals, doctors, OPD schedules, to meet your needs. You can also get discounts and exclusive offers on Lung Cancer Surgery cost in bangalore by booking an appointment online.

ما هو متوسط تكلفة جراحة سرطان الرئة في بنغالور؟

تبدأ تكلفة جراحة سرطان الرئة في من Rs. 4,00,000 التي تعتمد على عوامل متعددة. The average cost of Lung Cancer Surgery in بنغالور may range from Rs. 4,00,000 to Rs. 7,00,000.

أسئلة متكررة

Q: When Is Lung Cancer Surgery Performed? up arrow

A: Performing any type of surgery to treat the cancer in the lower respiratory tract is preferred by the doctors for those patients who are at an early stage of non-small cell lung cancer or NSCLC. But, patients who are at an advanced level/stage or metastatic disease are not recommended for any kind of surgery to treat their cancer. Patients who have NSCLC, which is limited to a small portion of the organ can tolerate surgery, but on a condition that they have an adequate function. Lobectomy helps in preventing cancer from spreading to the other parts of the air sac or beyond it.

Q: Who Performs Lung Cancer Surgery? up arrow

A: Mainly there are three types of doctors who can perform a lobectomy or any type of cancer surgery in this region namely, a Surgical Oncologist who specializes in treating cancer, a Pulmonologist who specializes in treating diseases of the respiratory organs and a Thoracic Surgeon (CTVS) who specializes in surgery of the chest (thorax). Pulmonologist aids in the diagnosis and anchors the treatment of this cancer.

Q: Why Is Lung Cancer Surgery Done? up arrow

A: The development of this cancer is mainly because of chain-smoking. Even people who have never smoked are prone to cancer with the same level of risk due to the smoky environment around them in which they stay for long hours. This surgery or Lobectomy becomes necessary when a person has cancer or tumor in his lungs which is limited to a small part of the organ’s lobe and is at its early stage. When cancer or tumor reaches its advance level and spreads to the rest of the lobes and then to the body, surgery is not possible as it becomes very hard to remove the tumor. Lobectomy is also done for benign or non-cancerous diseases, such as abscess, tuberculosis, fungal infections like aspergillosis or severe tears of a lobe due to trauma. Details about lung cancer surgery cost in Bangalore is easily available over the Credihealth website along with other necessary information.

Q: How Is Lung Cancer Surgical Procedure Performed? up arrow

A: In lobectomy, a surgeon starts by making either single incision or several small incisions in the side of the chest or between the ribs to get access to the site. When the surgeon is able to see the cancer he removes it along with a small portion of the lobe where the cancer has developed. If the cancer is at its early stage, only a small portion of the lobe is removed, but if the tumor has spread to the whole or other lobes too, then those affected lobes would also be removed. You can request for Lung cancer treatment cost in Bangalore on Credihealth.

Q: What Is Lung Cancer Surgery? up arrow

A: Lung Cancer surgery is a surgical procedure for removing either a portion of the entire lung from the human body. A surgery performed to remove cancer in this region and a small portion of healthy tissue is medically called a wedge resection. Removing cancer and a bit larger portion of the lobe or the healthy tissue in which cancer is located is called segmental resection. Removal of cancer and one of the lung’s five lobes is medically called lobectomy and removal of an entire organ is known as pneumonectomy. Here, we will be discussing the commonly performed lobectomy surgery in detail.

Q: Where Is Lung Cancer Surgery Procedure Done? up arrow

A: Lobectomy can be performed only at an Operation Theatre of a multispecialty hospital, which is well equipped with the latest surgical tools and advanced operating equipment necessary in a surgery.

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جراحة سرطان الرئة التكلفة