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جراحة الصمام التاجي

بدءًا من: Rs. 2,50,000
●   نوع الإجراء:  جراحية
●   وظيفة:  جراحة لإصلاح أو استبدال الصمام التاجي في قلبك.
●   شدة الألم:  مؤلم
●   مدة الإجراء: 2 - 4 hours
●   أيام المستشفى : 6 - 8 Hours
●   نوع التخدير: محلي

احصل على تكلفة جراحة الصمام التاجي في نيو دلهي

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أفضل الأطباء لـ جراحة الصمام التاجي في نيو دلهي

एमबीबीएस, एमएस - सर्जरी, पीएचडी - हृदय सर्जरी

رئيس قسم علوم القلب ورئيس قسم جراحة القلب والأوعية الدموية والخدمات السريرية

41 سنوات من الخبرة, 0 جوائز

جراحة القلب عند الأطفال

MBBS, एमडी, डीएम - कार्डियोलोजी

استشاري أول - أمراض القلب

29 سنوات من الخبرة,

أمراض القلب الكهربية

MBBS, MD - Internal Medicine, DNB - Cardiology

استشاري - أمراض القلب

15 سنوات من الخبرة, 0 جوائز

أمراض القلب الكهربية

, ,

استشاري أول - أمراض القلب

24 سنوات من الخبرة,

أمراض القلب عند الأطفال

مستشار - جراحة القلب

10 سنوات من الخبرة,

جراحة القلب عند الأطفال

جراحة الصمام التاجي التكلفة من المستشفيات الموثوقة في نيو دلهي

Dharamshila Narayana Superspeciality Hospital

Near New Ashok Nagar Metro Station, Vasundhara Enclave, Dallupura, Delhi NCR, NCT Delhi, 110096

Super Speciality Hospital

Manipal Hospital

Human Care Medical Charitable Trust, Adjoining MTNL Building, Delhi NCR, NCT Delhi, 110075, India

Multi Speciality Hospital

Pushpawati Singhania Hospital and Research Institute

Press Enclave, Sheikh Sarai II  , Sheikh Sarai, Delhi NCR, NCT Delhi, 110017

Multi Speciality Hospital

Fortis Flt Lt Rajan Dhall Hospital

Sector B, Pocket 1, Aruna Asaf Ali Marg, Vasant Kunj, Delhi NCR, NCT Delhi, 110070

Super Speciality Hospital

Max Hospital

Near TV Tower, Wazirpur District Centre, Pitampura, Delhi NCR, NCT Delhi, 110034

Multi Speciality Hospital

ما هو متوسط تكلفة جراحة الصمام التاجي في نيو دلهي؟

تبدأ تكلفة جراحة الصمام التاجي في من Rs. 2,50,000 التي تعتمد على عوامل متعددة. The average cost of Mitral Valve Surgery in نيو دلهي may range from Rs. 2,50,000 to Rs. 5,00,000.

أسئلة متكررة

Q: How is mitral valve surgery performed? up arrow

A: The mitral heart valve surgery is performed in two ways. One is the open-heart surgery where the doctor carries out large incisions in the chest. And, the second method is the invasive heart surgery where the doctor executes a small incision in the chest. Doctors usually segregate the surgery into Mitral valve repair and mitral valve replacement. 1. Mitral valve repair: Doctors use a catheter, clip as well as long sized chain or tube to perform mitral valve repair. In this case, doctors make a hole in the valve and rejoin the flaps of the mitral valve. But simultaneously discard the extra valve tissue to make the flaps close properly. A procedure known as annuloplasty is conducted to tighten the ring placed around the valve. 2. Mitral valve replacement: This surgery is recommended when the valve can’t be repaired. Here the doctors use the mechanical valves to substitute the impaired mitral valve.

Q: What is Mitral Valve surgery? up arrow

A: The mitral valve is the cup-shaped valve in between the left ventricle and left atrium of the heart and regulates the blood flow from the left atrium to the left ventricle. But when the blood flows back, it can cause serious problems. In that case, the surgery performed is known as mitral valve surgery. Depending on the seriousness of the mitral valve defect, doctors recommend either open heart or invasive heart surgery.

Q: What is Post-Procedure of mitral valve surgery? up arrow

A: As the surgery gets over you will have to follow a few given steps: • You will be retained in the ICU after the surgery. Pipes attached to the bladder will eject the urine while the pipes will draw out the blood and fluid from the heart. • The next day you will be shifted to a regular ward as and when the doctor is satisfied with your recovery. • You will be under the constant supervision of the hospital staff. • The doctors will regularly check your breathing rate, pressure or any chance of getting an infection in the incisional area. • Take a short walk regularly and practice breathing exercise • The doctor may ask you to monitor the incision area so that no infection takes place and advise you to take medicines on time.

Q: What is the indication of mitral valve surgery? up arrow

A: Doctors indicate mitral valve surgery by considering the following conditions, which are both for symptomatic and asymptomatic

  1. Symptomatic
  • Fatigue
  • Acute valvular disease or shortness of breath
  • Left ventricular systolic malfunction
  • Atrial fibrillation
  • Pulmonary hypertension

Q: When is mitral valve surgery required? up arrow

A: The mitral valve surgery is done after considering the symptoms of both mitral valve prolapse and mitral valve stenosis: 1. Mitral valve prolapse symptoms: Patients who suffer from the Mitral valve prolapse issue face pain in the chest. Sometimes, it becomes acute, leading to congestive failure of the heart. Therefore the following symptoms will aware of one of such situations. • Problem during breathing • Sudden swelling in the legs especially the feet portion • Anxiety and panic • Increased heartbeat or palpitation • Dizziness • Syncope popular as fainting • Insensibility in feet and hands. 2. Mitral valve stenosis symptoms: Below are some of the underlying symptoms of mitral valve stenosis. According to doctors, patients do face such symptoms for more than a decade. Remember that these symptoms occur gradually so be watchful if you have any of these. • Breathing problem when you rest • Get fatigued with physical activities • Irregular heartbeat • Blood oozes out with a cough • Pain or discomfort in the chest

Q: Why is mitral valve surgery done? up arrow

A: Several types of mitral valve disease exist. In first case, i.e. mitral valve regurgitation, the flaps (leaflets) of the mitral valve don't close tightly, causing blood to leak backward into the left atrium. This commonly occurs due to valve leaflets bulging back — a condition called mitral valve prolapse The second case is known as mitral valve stenosis when the flaps of the mitral valves calcify or stiffen, it fuses and narrows the movement of the blood flow through the atrium. As the surgeon verifies the type of mitral valve issue the patient is suffering from, he proposes the type of surgery suitable as per the condition. Therefore before the surgery, also verify the mitral valve surgery cost in Delhi so that you can get the detailed idea regarding the expense.

Q: What is the pre-procedure of mitral valve surgery? up arrow

A: Once the surgeon prescribes you to undergo the surgery then you should mandatorily follow the following steps:

  • Talk with the doctor in detail:
Firstly you need to get the vivid about the surgery especially on things to do before and after the surgery. Consult with the doctor about the repair or replacement of the mitral valve as needed.
  • Food precaution:
The doctor will guide you on whether you can eat or drink before the night of the surgery or not.
  • Information on medication:
The doctors will also give you a detailed note on whether to have the routine medications just before the day of surgery or not.
  • Allergy test report:
Also, need to submit the allergy test report so that doctors can recommend medicines after considering the test report.
  • Daily essentials
The hospital might ask you to keep a follow up on certain daily items like the spectacles, hearing machine or dentures, if any.

Q: What are the Risks and Complications of mitral valve surgery? up arrow

A: Some of the potential risk associated with mitral valve surgery is: • Bleeding • Clotting of the blood • Dysfunction of valves • The problem in the rhythm of the heartbeat • Infection at times, • Stroke • Death You can get information on mitral valve surgery cost in Delhi from Credi health Medical experts at 8010-994-994.

Q: What happens during mitral valve surgery? up arrow

A: During the procedure, you will be given anesthesia that will keep you unconscious for quite a long time. Then a cut is made beneath the left portion of the breast horizontally. But in some cases, vertical incision is also done through the sternum. After that a heart-lung, bypass machine will be connected to assure the blood flow is normal during the surgery. Then the surgeons make an incision on the left atrium to expose the mitral valve. Later biological or mechanical valve is used to replace the mitral valve. Finally, the left atrium is sealed and the cardiopulmonary bypass is removed. At times, the surgery is performed as a robotic surgery as well during that time the doctor sits in front of the console and observes the enlarged version of high definition picture of the heart. He then uses the robotic designed arms to navigate the surgery.

Q: Where is mitral valve surgery done? up arrow

A: The mitral valve surgery is done at well-equipped hospitals under the assistance of qualified cardiovascular surgeons. Even Credihealth offers a comprehensive list of multi-specialty hospitals. Hence, before finalizing the hospital you should check for the mitral valve surgery cost in Delhi for convenience.

Q: Who performs mitral valve surgery? up arrow

A: Cardiac surgeons perform the mitral valve surgery after considering the following tests like echocardiogram, Cardiac MRI, Chest X-ray, Cardiac CT, Cardiac catheterization, exercise or stress test.

الصفحة الرئيسية
نيو دلهي
جراحة الصمام التاجي التكلفة