This is your 31st week of pregnancy and you are going to meet your baby very soon. Your baby will be the size of a coconut. A 31 weeks pregnant mother may experience not so pleasant changes during this week. In the post, we will talk about the 31 week pregnancy baby weight in kg and changes that occur in the baby and the mother.
The baby is also getting ready for the big day. The size of the baby will be more than 15 inches now. In the 31st week of pregnancy, baby weight will be around 2 pounds, which equates to over 1.8 kgs. Your baby is growing longer and heavier day by day. He will start looking more like a newborn baby now. This is because the baby is gaining more fat under the skin. You need to visit the doctor regularly. Apart from this, the baby will start losing lanugo, the fine hair that covered most of the body. His eyes will start focusing now in this week. In the 31st week of pregnancy, the lungs and nervous system of the baby is nearly developed.
Changes in Baby

Changes in Mother During 31st Week of Pregnancy
31 weeks pregnant mother will start feeling pressure on the diaphragm from the upper end. Because of that, you will feel like you have to urinate frequently. Sometimes you may urinate at the time of sneezing or laughing. This would not be a problem. It will be fine after the delivery as your uterus will stop pushing your bladder. It is suggested that you should start doing Kegel exercises to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles. You can do these exercises before and after pregnancy. A 31 weeks pregnant woman may also experience the leakage of colostrum from the breast before or soon after the delivery. Colostrum is a creamy liquid that is thicker than milk. It will be better to buy some breast pads to wear inside the bra. As we have mentioned in the previous weeks, you may experience breathlessness, frequent urination and leaky breasts. These will go away once you deliver the baby. But talk to your doctor if you are suffering from leg cramps, back pain or haemorrhoids. This may need medication. Also, read about: Pelvic Floor Exercises: During & After PregnancyWhen to Call for Help?
If you are 31 weeks pregnant and experience severe pain, immediately call your doctor. This could be Braxton-Hicks contractions, which can happen this week. It happens when the uterus tightens. Generally, Braxton-Hicks contractions last for 1 - 2 minutes. But if it lasts longer, this could be a sign of early labour. Apart from that, take care of yourself and your baby. Eat well and sleep well. Call +91 8010-994-994 and talk to Credihealth Medical Experts for FREE. Get assistance in choosing the right specialist doctor and clinic, compare treatment cost from various centers and timely medical updatesReviewed by