38th Week of Pregnancy! So close to your baby. We can understand that you have faced many physical and mental issues during the whole pregnancy. But don't worry, the entire journey is nearly completed. Every 38 weeks pregnant woman is going to meet their baby very soon. Many women may deliver at 38 weeks.
The baby is considered to be full-term in the 38th week of pregnancy. Most of the mother deliver one or two weeks before the due date. In other words, the baby is ready to be out of the womb at any time. As we know that most of the body parts of the baby are fully developed, but still some changes are going on. Your baby is shedding lanugo(fine hair that covers the baby's body for months). Some may be left on his body. You can see it on his/her shoulders, forehead and neck at the time of birth. The baby is also losing vernix, a waxy substance, that protects his/her skin from the amniotic fluid. But do you know where the removed lanugo and vernix go? Some of it ends up in the baby's intestines, which turns into meconium. Meconium is the greenish-black, tarry substance that will make up your baby's first bowel movement after he's born.
Baby at 38th Week
The length of the baby at the 38th week of pregnancy is equal to the length of a stalk of rhubarb. The baby will keep on growing and filling the womb until it joins the world. But the growth is quite slow. This is the time for the baby to come out of the womb. His/her position is head-down and facing towards the mother's back.
Women in the 38th Week of Pregnancy
The 38 weeks pregnant women will see that their breasts are producing colostrum. Colostrum is the kind of thick milk that is very rich in nutrients. But don't be alarmed because of the colostrum. This is just a sign that your baby is going to arrive and you are ready to welcome him. You may feel uncomfortable during the final weeks of pregnancy. If you have back pain, use pillows and try to make yourself comfortable. In the 38th week of pregnancy, the mother may feel more tired. So try to give proper rest to your body. As we know that delivery at 38 weeks is quite normal. So don't panic if you got labour pain in the 38th week of pregnancy. Just get yourself ready for the big day and call your doctor. Also, read about: 10 Tips for a Healthy PregnancyThings to Do
The most important thing to remember during this week - drink more and more water to keep yourself hydrated. This is the last stage of your pregnancy. So try to make it special for yourself and your partner. Celebrate the remaining few days with your partner. Watch a movie, read some interesting books, catch up with some friends and do the things you like. A very common question asked by most of the women is, "How will I know when labour pain has started?". Generally, labour starts with a slight contraction. Whenever you face this kind of pain, call your doctor and get your bag ready for the hospital. Carry all the necessary things with you. Call +91 8010-994-994 and talk to Credihealth Medical Experts for FREE. Get assistance in choosing the right specialist doctor and clinic, compare treatment cost from various centers and timely medical updatesReviewed by