As you know, pregnancy causes various symptoms.
However, according to experts like Dr. Leyla Bilali, a board-certified NP, Dr. Mary Jane Minkin, an obstetrics professor at Yale, and Dr. Sherry Ross, an OB-GYN at Providence Saint John’s Health Center, not all pregnancy-associated symptoms indicate a pregnancy.
Some symptoms often associated with pregnancies could result from other things.
Because of this, it’s important to know which symptoms are easy to mistake for pregnancy and what they could mean. This article explores some of the symptoms that can be mistaken for pregnancy and what else they could signify.
NOTE: If you think you are pregnant, your best bet is to consult your OB-GYN to confirm or disconfirm your suspicions.
With that said, let’s get into it:
1. Missed periods
Like most women, you have probably missed a period and thought, “OMG! I must be pregnant! I should get a pregnancy test kit immediately!”
That’s understandable, and a missed period in an otherwise regular menstrual cycle could indicate pregnancy. However, missing one period or getting it late does not always indicate pregnancy; they can result from varied factors, including but not limited to pregnancy.
One such factor is polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), a hormonal disorder that can lead to irregular or missed periods. Moreover, according to Dr. Kollikonda, excessive stress can cause the body’s intricate hormonal dance to go off-kilter and cause delayed light or missed periods.
If you’ve missed your period, it’s important to consult your OB-GYN to pinpoint the root cause of the menstrual irregularity.
2. Nausea/vomiting/morning sickness
Morning sickness, as it is so commonly called, is the nausea and vomiting that can happen at any time of day during pregnancy; it is another easy-to-mistake-for-pregnancy symptom.
The nausea’s usually result from hormonal shifts brought on by pregnancy, specifically the increased production of human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) and estrogen. However, these symptoms are not exclusive to pregnancy; they can also be tell-tale signs of other underlying issues.
For example, gastroenteritis, which causes stomach and intestinal inflammation, or food poisoning, can cause nausea and vomiting, which some people can easily mistake for pregnancy.
Therefore, if you’re nauseated, please do not automatically conclude you’re pregnant since these symptoms could have varied causes. Instead of automatically assuming or concluding that nausea means you are pregnant, seek professional medical advice to rule out all possible causes, including pregnancy.
3. Fatigue and exhaustion
Fatigue is another symptom frequently associated with pregnancy, and rightfully so because the reality of pregnancy is that it leads to heightened progesterone levels and increased blood volume that can leave you feeling fatigued.
However, fatigue is not synonymous with pregnancy. This symptom can be a warning signal for various underlying health conditions.
For example, conditions such as anemia, where the body lacks sufficient red blood cells to carry oxygen efficiently, or thyroid disorders that disrupt the body’s metabolism and energy regulation can cause fatigue.
Therefore, don’t dash to the nearest pharmacy for a pregnancy kit just because you feel especially fatigued. Make an appointment with your doctor for medical counsel and tests.
4. Breast Changes
The hormonal fluctuations caused by pregnancy, including rising estrogen and progesterone levels, can make breasts sensitive and tender, and this is one of the signs we assume means we are pregnant.
While that could be the case, pregnancy is not the only cause of breast changes.
For example, premenstrual syndrome (PMS) can also lead to breast tenderness due to hormonal changes caused by the menstrual cycle. Additionally, hormonal birth control can cause breast tenderness and changes.
Furthermore, fibrocystic breast changes, a benign condition characterized by fluid-filled cysts and fibrous tissue development, can contribute to breast tenderness.
As you can see, various things can cause breast changes and tenderness, and you shouldn’t automatically assume that your tender breasts mean you are pregnant.
Based on all this, you’re probably wondering, “If it’s so easy to mistake some symptoms for pregnancy, what about pregnancy quizzes? Are they effective ways to confirm pregnancy?”
That’s a great question.
Are Online Pregnancy Quizzes Effective?
You can use an online pregnancy quiz, like the one from Flo, to understand your symptoms better and if there could be a chance you might be pregnant.
These quizzes are a great way to understand key factors to determine pregnancy before taking a pregnancy test or consulting your OB-GYN.
Don’t misunderstand this:
Online pregnancy quizzes are great, but they should not be the only thing you should do to conclude if you are or are not pregnant. After taking a pregnancy quiz, also do an at-home urine test that detects human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), which, together with a visit to your health care provider, is the surest way to confirm or disconfirm pregnancy.
While many symptoms can be tell-tale signs of pregnancy, remember that pregnancy is not the only cause of many of the symptoms we often associate with pregnancy.
Therefore, if you suspect you are pregnant, take an at-home urine test and consult your OB-GYN to know for sure.

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