
5 Things You Need To Know About IUI

Intrauterine insemination, also known as artificial insemination, is employed by women and couples who have difficulty conceiving naturally..

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Intrauterine insemination, also known as artificial insemination, is employed by women and couples who have difficulty conceiving naturally. Although, after the advent of In-vitro Fertilisation, the popularity of IUI has decreased dramatically, it is still a practice sought after by many.


Today, I, Dr. Himali Maniar, a co-founder of Nisha IVF center in Ahmedabad, also one of the bestIVF hospitals, am going to talk about all you need to know about IUI(Intrauterine Insemination).Often, couples who are hopeful of a child of their own come across difficulties in conceiving for many reasons. It could be due to
  •         infertility in a man or a woman.
  •         Some underlying diseases like thyroid or PCOD.
  •         Age
Under these circumstances, the couples approach a gynecologist for their consultation. The doctor will take a complete history of the man and the woman during the consultation. It may include questions like present diseases, medications, heredity, etc. Your doctor will ask you to undergo some tests that will help them decide the plan of treatment.These tests include:
  • Medical history of both partners
  • Physical exam of both partners
  • Blood tests: L.H. and Progesterone for men
  • Thyroid function for both partners             
  • Prolactin
  • Anti-mullerian
  • F.S.H. for women
  • Testosterone
  • Semen analysis
  • Ovulation analysis  
Based on the results, the doctor may decide to take more tests, or if she already has enough data to start the treatment, then the treatment process begins.You can find me by just searching for Dr. Himali Maniar and can connect with me through,, 

Who can go for IUI?

The beneficiaries of this practice include single women, heterosexual couples with an infertile or impotent male partner, and Homosexual couples.

How to prepare for the procedure?

Here, timing is crucial as the fertilization window is limited to 12 hours of ovulation.Hence, a woman must observe the menstrual cycle and track the basal body temperature and hormone levels to determine the ovulation period. Other methods of tracking ovulation include using ovulation kits, blood tests, and ultrasounds.Some practitioners may even note the color and texture of the vaginal mucus and cervical nose softness.

Medicating to increase fertility:

Your doctor will put both male and female partners on medications to increase the ovulation and sperms production for increasing the chances of conception.

Some techniques of Intrauterine Insemination:

The sperm sample for insemination is either raw or frozen (more common). The doctor can obtain the sperm sample from a sperm bank where it is frozen or a raw sample with two to three days of abstinence (without a lubricant). The semen sample is washed. The doctor later introduces the sperm into the woman's cervix, uterus, or vagina.The commons techniques used for IUI are:
  1. a)   C.I.: Intra Cervical Insemination is a method mimicking insemination via sexual intercourse wherein the raw sperm sample is released near the cervix entrance. This may be accompanied by a conception cap near the cervix.
  2. b)   Intrauterine Insemination: This includes inserting the washed sperm sample into the uterus with a catheter. The doctor will recommend waiting on the table for 15 minutes after this procedure to increase the chances of pregnancy.
  3. c)   Intrauterine Tuboperitoneal Insemination: This procedure involves injecting the washed sperm sample into the uterus and the fallopian tubes to increase the chances of conception. The cervix is later clamped to prevent leakage into the vagina.

Risks of IUI:

it is a comparatively simple and safe procedure with minimal risks, which include
  1. a)     Infection: There is a slight risk of developing a mild infection after the procedure.
  2. b)     Slight spotting: This occurs during the catheter placement in the uterus.
  3. c)     Multiple pregnancies: A rare occurrence but possible when coupled with ovulation-inducing medications.


You must wait for two weeks before taking a pregnancy test. Not doing so may lead to:
  1. a)     A false negative: If your pregnancy hormone levels are not measurable, it could lead to a negative result even if you are pregnant.
  2. b)     A false positive: This happens when ovulation-inducing drugs like H.C.G. are present in your system. It can indicate pregnancy, even if you are not pregnant.


If the IUI procedure does not give you positive results, the next natural step is to go for IVF procedure, which gives up to an 80% chance of successful impregnation with the current advent.So my dear readers, do not lose heart and hope. The blessing of science has made the impossible possible. It is just a matter of time before you will hold your baby in your arms.
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